HELP- PandaHome Keeps Crashing


New Member
Dec 22, 2009
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Ever since the last update for Panda Home it keeps crashing my phone. I cant do anything the screen just sits frozen and then it comes up with the force close or wait i've tried both... nothing

I started in safe mode and took pandahome off of default and the phone started fine. I uninstalled it then reinstalled and it work fine for a day now it's doing the same thing. I hate having to resetup my homepage every time.

Has anybody else had this problem?
I work at a radio shack and had 2 people come in and wanted to exchange their android phones because they were crashing and locking up. Both people had pandahome on their phones. Something is definitely wrong.
i don't remember if i paid for it but if i did i want my money back
Ever since the last update for Panda Home it keeps crashing my phone. I cant do anything the screen just sits frozen and then it comes up with the force close or wait i've tried both... nothing
Has anybody else had this problem?
I used PandaHome for awhile, but got very tired of the force closes and errors.
The software tends to be buggy - I would suggest uninstalling it if its giving you these many problems. Try Home++, or if you're brave, upgrade to 2.1, which has a default of 5 home screens.

I was really enjoying this app...but I, too, found myself unable to ease my Droid's pain! (and my own separation anxiety, might I add)...

I finally broke down and removed it. Hope we are wrong...

Newbie Sheila
Uninstalled it today, FC'd like 10 times in an hour. No thanks. I really only wanted more home screens so i just dl'd Launcher+. Don't really give a crap about the themes and fonts etc.
yeah I decided next time it fc's i'm going to home++ just upset that this is happening