Hi everyone... I'm new to the Forum and new to VZW... I just got the Rezound and so far I love the phone and definitely the service, however, I too have noticed this annoyance and was wondering if anyone had any updates on it? Tomorrow is my 14th day
I must add a few things and see if it helps narrow it down, i don't think is the device... I was out of the country for 8 days and use the phone overseas (and yes, it worked flawless with a prepaid sim card, at least for what i needed {No Data / No SMS Out, Just in}) and I must say that it DID NOT do this horrific noise while I used the phone during my trip... back in the states, I hear it just as Natandroid explained it.
Best comparison I can do: it's like watching Netflix HD and all of a sudden your 12Mbps connection dropped to 1Mbps and the video re-adjusts itself to keep streaming and now you have a crappy video with crappy audio.
I don't use the phone much to talk, but I must say I have had this issue in 4 out of 5 calls.
but now add this to the mix... While you have the crappy noise, if you put a head piece on, the sound is crystal clear, the same as if you put it on speakerphone... so that might make you think is the earpiece on the device right? well back to my trip overseas, it did not do it a single time