help with contact list names???


New Member
Jul 14, 2010
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So i have my droid, it is currently set to sync with my google/gmail contacts and my facebook account.

the issue i am having is that facebook seems to take precedence. so i cant edit the display name of anyone im friends with on facebook. this is very frustrating, for example:

facebook friend: RoBeRt No NaMe

gmail contact: Robert Noname

id like my contact to be shown as it shows in my gmail contacts, as opposed to the ghetto way it shows how he decided to spell it on facebook. when i go to his contact on my droid, and click edit, his name is spelled correctly how i want it. yet in my contacts list, its shows as it does on facebook

is there a way to make the gmail contact take precedence over the facebook info? or a way to change the grammar on the display name?
The only thing I've figured out so far is a pain in the butt and not worth it if you want to do more than a handful of contacts.

I told Facebook to sync with existing contacts.

Deleted the contact I wanted the name change on.

Rebuilt the contact in the phone with the name I wanted

Manually sync it with Facebook.

From there it seemed to hold the name I selected.
The only thing I've figured out so far is a pain in the butt and not worth it if you want to do more than a handful of contacts.

I told Facebook to sync with existing contacts.

Deleted the contact I wanted the name change on.

Rebuilt the contact in the phone with the name I wanted

Manually sync it with Facebook.

From there it seemed to hold the name I selected.

thanks... its only 5 or 6 so this method should work....

how do i "manually sync" with facebook? i dont see a manual sync in any of the menus. jsut a checkbox to sync or not