help with home replacements.


Feb 26, 2010
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Im having problems with my home launcher. The only time o can use the motorola home skin os if i don't have a home replacement installed at all. Otherwise when using homeswitcher it wont give me a choice to pick motorolas home launch r. It is like its not even there. O can get to it by selecting it but when i make it my default and press the hard home key it opens up launcher pro or adw. But never motorolas unless of course i do not have any home replacements installed. Clearing defaults does nothing. Neither does uninstalling. Please help.
Thanx for replying man at least i know im not crazy
i can get another launcher to work and can get homeswitcher to switch me between home setups but I cannot get it to lock onto anything other then the last home replacement that was downloaded. IE: When I added launcherpro it wouldn't go to anything but launcherpro as the default. I then installed GDE and it would set that as default but then it would not let me set the default as anything but GDE.

I believe this is a homeswitcher problem more then a DX issue as that app doesn't work well with the 2.2 roms either
Nope the reason I know its not a home switcher problem is because when you poss the home key it takes you to a new launcher but the motorola default home is never a choice that you can use by default