Loooooong time BB user. I'm talking 2000-2001 before BB's even existed and RIM was making the "AOL Mobile Communicator."
MCSE, RHCSE, always been the BES Architect/Engineer at corporations where I have worked.
Tired of BB always lagging behind so making the jump to Android.
After much debate I ordered an X as opposed to the 2.
Problem is, I don't care much about media... I don't watch many videos on my phones, don't listen to music (still have an iPod for that), and RARELY do any serious web surfing. I am however a HUGE user of email, IM's, texting etc. So even though all of this suggests that I should probably get a Droid 2, I couldn't help but order the X. Anyone know why? LOL
I had the original BB Storm, and I have used iPhones so I'm not new to touchscreens.
I guess I'll give the X a shot for a week or so and trade it for a 2 if I'm not happy. Any thoughts? Feel free to vote in the poll above
MCSE, RHCSE, always been the BES Architect/Engineer at corporations where I have worked.
Tired of BB always lagging behind so making the jump to Android.
After much debate I ordered an X as opposed to the 2.
Problem is, I don't care much about media... I don't watch many videos on my phones, don't listen to music (still have an iPod for that), and RARELY do any serious web surfing. I am however a HUGE user of email, IM's, texting etc. So even though all of this suggests that I should probably get a Droid 2, I couldn't help but order the X. Anyone know why? LOL
I had the original BB Storm, and I have used iPhones so I'm not new to touchscreens.
I guess I'll give the X a shot for a week or so and trade it for a 2 if I'm not happy. Any thoughts? Feel free to vote in the poll above