Hey look, another newbie

Apr 18, 2010
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA
Hello all! Just wanted to say hi and introduce myself. My name is Jess, and I've been lurking here the past few weeks after upgrading to the Droid from the Dare. Thanks to this forum and droid-life.com, I've happily rooted from stock 2.1 via SPRecovery and tried out a few ROMs through ROM Manager (in love with CyanogenMod and can't bring myself to try any others at the moment), and I'm using a bekit kernel that is working out great (envision my knocking on wood right now). After everything I've read, I feel like I sort of cheated the system by doing it the easy way. I'm pretty illiterate when it comes to linux commands, but hopefully that will change. I think that about covers it for now! :)
Hello all! Just wanted to say hi and introduce myself. My name is Jess, and I've been lurking here the past few weeks after upgrading to the Droid from the Dare. Thanks to this forum and droid-life.com, I've happily rooted from stock 2.1 via SPRecovery and tried out a few ROMs through ROM Manager (in love with CyanogenMod and can't bring myself to try any others at the moment), and I'm using a bekit kernel that is working out great (envision my knocking on wood right now). After everything I've read, I feel like I sort of cheated the system by doing it the easy way. I'm pretty illiterate when it comes to linux commands, but hopefully that will change. I think that about covers it for now! :)

Welcome to the forum, Jess! We're glad that you've decided to quit lurking and join in the fun! You seem to be doing just fine on your own! You'll find this to be a very friendly and helpful place to hang out. Enjoy!
