Hey Razr folks, should I buy the Maxx tomorrow?


Jan 30, 2010
Reaction score
Since the only big difference with the new Maxx razr will be the battery, you guys here have a good history to draw from now regarding this phone. I hear it is really solid But, what are the biggest annoyances? Is the hotspot issue I heard about a significant hardship to anyone here? Has the phone's width been an issue for anyone with "girl" hands like me? Any other major gripes?

Since the only big difference with the new Maxx razr will be the battery, you guys here have a good history to draw from now regarding this phone. I hear it is really solid But, what are the biggest annoyances? Is the hotspot issue I heard about a significant hardship to anyone here? Has the phone's width been an issue for anyone with "girl" hands like me? Any other major gripes?


I would. If I didn't already have the Razr I would be getting the Maxx. The best smartphone available just got even better! :icon_ lala:
P.S. I have man-sized hands so I can't comment on your girl like hands issue. ;)
I use the hot spot feature on my Razr with no issues...

~it's not just a phone~
If money is not an issue, I say definitely. If you want to save some cash, you cannot go wrong with the Droid RAZR.
I use the hot spot feature on my Razr with no issues...

~it's not just a phone~

I heard that you can't access certain major websites (yahoo, etc) from laptops tethered to the hotspot. Not a problem for you?
If money is not an issue, I say definitely. If you want to save some cash, you cannot go wrong with the Droid RAZR.

Got to have that extra battery whatever the cost. I'm coming from the t-bolt, only usable with that huge extended battery. I am so done with worrying if my phone can last a day, especially while traveling, without carrying a brick. ;)
I heard that you can't access certain major websites (yahoo, etc) from laptops tethered to the hotspot. Not a problem for you?

Hasn't been thus far...I will check it out more tonight & can report back (I don't normally use Yahoo tho)...

~it's not just a phone~
Got to have that extra battery whatever the cost. I'm coming from the t-bolt, only usable with that huge extended battery. I am so done with worrying if my phone can last a day, especially while traveling, without carrying a brick. ;)

In that case grab the MAXX. It's truly a stellar piece of equipment :)

Sent from Droid RAZR
No gripes with my RAZR. I love it. I haven't checked out the Maxx, but if it's just a tiny bit thicker it's probably still thinner than 99% of the phones on the market. No battery issues for me with mine, but if the two are nearly identical in size what the heck, get more juice and get a Maxx. Personally, I'd get which ever one was cheaper.

I'm a 6' 6" guy, so I cannot comment on the girl hands thing.
I highly suggest going into the store and getting some hands on time. Specially if you're concerned with phone size. ;)
Hasn't been thus far...I will check it out more tonight & can report back (I don't normally use Yahoo tho)...

~it's not just a phone~

Please don't go to too much trouble. I read about this known issue elsewhere and apparently Motorola is aware. I forget the acronym/technical name for the problem (an MPC, M?? error). Just wondering how much it was affecting folks. So appreciate all the help here. I haven't been at droidforums much since I got the t-bolt one year ago, but spent much time here the previous year with my OG Droid. Am glad to be back in anticipation of having a real Droid again! Thanks!
I get the hotspot issue here and there, but it hasn't been enough to annoy me (honestly, I do most of my browsing from my RAZR). As to your original question, get the Maxx. The RAZR is an incredible piece of hardware and gorgeous to boot, but if battery life is a big concern then slap some junk in that trunk and roll a Maxx. I love the thinness, but it will become mundane after using it. The thickness of the Maxx won't be detrimental to actual usage, and the extra battery will be a boon for the same.
I highly suggest going into the store and getting some hands on time. Specially if you're concerned with phone size. ;)

That's the plan. Looking forward to it, if I can just get there tomorrow...hope they don't sell out of quantity early at my local corp store.