Hey y'all - I'm new here


New Member
Nov 20, 2010
Reaction score
Gibsonville NC
This DROID2 from Verizon is my 2nd smartphone. Have had it almost a week now. Previously had a BlackBerry Storm. Before that just dumb phones - since 1st one in 1995.

Been programming on IBM mainframes since the early 1970s. (Yes, I'm an old f*rt of 64.)

Got my first PC in '86 - an XT clone from Kaypro - 768K of RAM, 2 360K floppy drives, monochrome green text monitor, Lotus 1-2-3, MultiMate, and a 9-pin Epson dot-matrix printer - set me back $2200.

Anyway, I'm pretty comfortable finding my way around new devices & apps, but once in a while my intuiter plus the help screens plus the manual still leave me scratching my head about how to do something that's gotta be simple. When that happens I'll pop in here and show off my ignorance.

Oh, one more thing. I've got a pencil cup at work which, 40+ years ago was a fraternity beer mug. It's got my college nickname on it: "Attila the Pun" - bestowed in honor of a barbaric sense of humor. You have been warned.
Welcome! Good to have you. You will find the Android OS less "stormy". Check out the entire Droid 2 section in the Forum. You will find a lot of very useful information about your Droid 2 in the different sections.

There is a learning curve coming from the Storm to the Droid. Best advice I can give you is everything you learned about Blackberry forget it. This is a whole new ballgame.
Welcome. Just get the DroidForums App from the market and you'll have a manual with you at all times.

Swyped from my Droid using DroidForums App
:welcome: to the Forum - feel free to ask questions and enjoy your time with us