ok well i guess this is where i ask about my issue...lol...anyways...ok so when im on a call and i get a text message while on the phone it doesnt make a sound to notify me when one comes thru. i would like to be notified when im on a call when i have a text come thru...is this possible???
It's CDMA technology so the short answer is no. You'll have to depend on looking at the notification bar.
Also...:welcome: tot he forum. Enjoy your self here.
ummm... I think you are misunderstanding. CDMA has nothing to do with this. CDMA doesn't allow data and voice at the same time as they travel the same channels. Voice and text do not follow the same protocol, and you can get a text while on a voice call.
To the OP. GO to the android market and install Handcent SMS. It is a great replacement sms program that you use instead of the "messaging" app. First, disable notifications in "messaging". Then go into handcent sms and go to settings and enable in call sound.