

Dec 28, 2011
Reaction score
Hello everyone, new member here. I'm what you could call a casual forum user; I think I am registered to only about five or so different forums, and I rarely post. I'm mostly a lurker who searches for information, posts rarely, and only starts threads if there's something I'm looking for that I have been unable to find with a quick search.

My first Droid phone was the original Moto Droid, and I got my second device, the Bionic, on its release date and have experienced what appears to be the common issues: random data coverage drops, and apps disappearing from the SD card. In my case, the update to 5.5.893.XT875.Verizon.en.US has seemed to fix the app issue, and my data connection seems to be more reliable, but not as reliable as I would like. Not really sure if that is attributed to the phone or Verizon's spotty coverage in my area (southern Wisconsin).

In either case, I do not consider these issues to "break" the phone, I am overall happy with my decision and look forward to learning more about the phone itself and the Droid OS by reading these forums!
Welcome to Droid Forums!! Thank you for the introduction and joining our forum!!

Make sure to stick around and continue to enjoy our community and you Bionic :)