Hit Market -> Clear Data... now no apps listed in downloads list


Nov 22, 2009
Reaction score
Colorado, USA
I was trying to install the new Angry Birds app and it wouldn't download. The bar was stuck on downloading w/o any progress and nothing I could do seemed to reset it so I could start again.I In the past this has happened and I was able to get it stopped/started again but this one was real stubborn. I went into application manager and chose to 'Clear data' which probably was a mistake because in the past I think I just cleared the cache. I was able to download/install the new Angry Birds but when I go to my list of downloaded items that app and one that I paid for are all that are listed. The rest of my apps are installed still and seem to function fine so how do I get Market to refresh the lsit of installed apps so it reflects the actual installed apps on my phone? I've poked around but can't seem to find an option.

No problem with clearing the data. I've done it a few times. Have you tried a reboot?

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No problem with clearing the data. I've done it a few times. Have you tried a reboot?

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No, I've already done the clear data option. What I'm asking is how to get my apps list back now that it's gone. Reboots don't solve anything or I wouldn't have posted.
I understand that you cleared data. You expressed concern that you may have done something wrong and I was merely letting you know it wasn't anything to fret over. Sorry I couldn't have been of more assistance

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