Well, from what I see your signal is great. Only one tiny blip of yellow about 1/5 of the way in from the left. The only times your phone is "awake" is while the screen is on, so you don't appear to have a rogue application sucking down power. I don't see much in the way of WIFI usage, just a tiny blip at the far right. I do see where the power was used most heavily and that was during the long solid awake and screen on just past the middle and to the right. Were you playing a video or a heavily data-intensive game? You used from 90 to 60% in just under 4 hours. The move from 90% to 80% really shouldn't even be counted, since it happened within minutes of going to battery. This indicates that the phone wasn't fully charged when you started using it, and was only just over the 80% mark when started. It took just a short time to eat up enough to drop to 80%, where it sat for the better part of half the up-time (probably about 1.5 hours).
To get a real feel for how the phone is working and what might be eating the battery causing it to get hot, we'd have to see more time. Three things I do see on the list...Candy Crush Saga used the most power after the screen and OS. Then you have Facebook, which can suck power for short timeframes depending on how picture or video intense your friends are at posting. Then there's the Media Server. This can be a big problem at times as it can go off on a tangent, using huge amounts of data and can hang on for sometimes days, depleting batteries in a matter of a few hours or less. It looks like it's behaving on the profile you posted, but I'd keep an eye on it.