how can u change the font color in the dialer


Active Member
Jun 23, 2011
Reaction score
lexington sc
In my font dial I have a pic of the annonomous guy cause its part of the dialer theme I have..but when u type the number to call, the contact text is grey...will that blends in with the theme making it impossible to read the contacts how do u change it to ics blue?
You'd have to decompile the phone.apk and edit the XML. Though I'm not sure if decompiling themed apps plays nice. If you want, I can *try* and do it for you but I'd have no way to test if it would work beforehand since I have a nexus. Just pm me a copy of your phone.apk.

**also post a screenshot showing the specific issue please.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
If u scroll down the page to "annonomous theme", that is the theme I have for my dialer..
Its pretty neat an should work for u to...there's more dialer themes if u want
Thanks for ur help...but how do I send u my "phone apk"?

Assuming you're rooted, you should just be able to navigate to /system/app/phone.apk copy it to your SD card and then upload it on this thread if you want.
Ok, I moved to it "android" in "sdcard ext"...but how do I post the apk? I can send it thru yahoo or 1st time man sorry
Check your PMs. And just to be clear, you are actually using the phone.apk you are sending me, correct? It's just themed? Also, anyway to get a screenshot or a picture of the issue or something? "Contact text" is so you mean their name and number that pops up in the dialer when you start to dial?
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Its on its way via yahoo root browser its listed as "phone.apk"
That has to be it cause when I moved it to sdcard ext my dialer force closed lol...but I had to re install it..
Its on its way via yahoo root browser its listed as "phone.apk"
That has to be it cause when I moved it to sdcard ext my dialer force closed lol...but I had to re install it..

Shouldn't have moved it...should have just copied it. But if you got it back into /system/app then it's probably fine.
It's not playing nice...pretty much what I thought. I think the line that needs to be changed is res/values/colors but every time I compile, I don't get a new unsigned apk. When I compile, my edits just go away. I think it's because it's already themed and that's causing issues. I'm not even sure if that's the right line or not though, it may actually be in framework-res.apk
Oo. U think itl work if I un theme it? Or will it be pointless if I re theme it?