How can Volte dropoffs in 3g area be prevented are there any apps that toggle volte on and off


Senior Member
Jul 4, 2010
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Motorola Turbo 2
On Verizon's volte it seems that if u are on a call and go from 4g to 3g it will drop. If you don't use volte then the call won't drop but u lose the internet while on phone if you have one antenna in your android phone. Is there any app that toggle volte on and off easily or fixes this issue?
If you call a non volte phone from volte someone told me it doesn't use LTE and won't drop when going to 3g is this true?
This is what they told us during the beta test last year: if VoLTE is turned to ON on your phone and the call starts in a 4G / LTE area it does not matter who the recipient is...if your phone moves to a 3G area during that call it will drop. I don't know of any way to change it because its their network, it cannot switch a VoLTE call to 1X during the call, it just drops. The only workaround we were told was to not use VoLTE in areas with weak 4G signal. Things may have changed since October, but I kind of doubt it.
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You can look at the app called Anycut. It will allow you to make a shortcut of pretty much anything in your settings app. So if you know you are in an area where a dropped call might happen due to the handout then you could toggle it on/off or vice-versa.
Just got LG g4 and have Advanced calling on had a few droppings before rebooting part of Activation. I itwill send an update after I see how it works on a few 3g areas If It drops between zones
This is what they told us during the beta test last year: if VoLTE is turned to ON on your phone and the call starts in a 4G / LTE area it does not matter who the recipient is...if your phone moves to a 3G area during that call it will drop. I don't know of any way to change it because its their network, it cannot switch a VoLTE call to 1X during the call, it just drops. The only workaround we were told was to not use VoLTE in areas with weak 4G signal. Things may have changed since October, but I kind of doubt it.
I can confirm this to be true.
This was why I never enabled, I would have been upset since the signal is weak in my house at dropping calls and not understanding why. Kind of irritates me, but calls are fine normally and I have wifi at home.
I talked to Verizon support and all they said was volte was a new technology and all the bugs aren't worked out also they said volte Calls to non volte phones ie land Lines or 3g phones would have more drop offs as well . what happened to Verizon's catch phrase "can you hear me now " on volte not so much. I keep it on so I can do the internet while on phone but I liked old phones with 2 antenas better so they could seemlesly use both 3g and 4g and internet with no drop offs I hope they can make this more seamless

Is there a way to make the volte call go over WiFi in bad areas as a work around. I had issues on WiFi as well but don't know if the call was using LTE or WiFi when it dropped. It would be nice to have it use WiFi if the WiFi connection was better and LTE if that was better and do it seemlessly
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I talked to Verizon support and all they said was volte was a new technology and all the bugs aren't worked out also they said volte Calls to non volte phones ie land Lines or 3g phones would have more drop offs as well . what happened to Verizon's catch phrase "can you hear me now " on volte not so much. I keep it on so I can do the internet while on phone but I liked old phones with 2 antenas better so they could seemlesly use both 3g and 4g and internet with no drop offs I hope they can make this more seamless

Is there a way to make the volte call go over WiFi in bad areas as a work around. I had issues on WiFi as well but don't know if the call was using LTE or WiFi when it dropped. It would be nice to have it use WiFi if the WiFi connection was better and LTE if that was better and do it seemlessly
If VoLTE is turned to ON on your phone, your phone will always use the VoLTE network to make calls. You can't make it use WiFi or 1X or anything else if VoLTE is turned on. I turner it off after the beta test because I work in an area with spotty 4G, so......dropped calls. And it is a big battery drain. You can't help the dropped calls either. The Verizon network just can't switch a call from the VoLTE network back to the normal cell network.

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk
When all the 3g towers are gone won't all calls be LTE? Or will calls go over 1g? Or 4g ? How can I tell it drains the battery does it show separately in battery drain percent or did I test it on and off and compare
If VoLTE is OFF your phone makes the call using the cell antenna (1x I believe) so you don't need 3G, 4G, or any G to make a normal everyday call. Just like flip phones with no data connection. But....once you turn VoLTE to ON you are telling your phone to use the 4G antenna to make the call and not the normal cell antenna. So once that call starts on 4G and the phone loses the 4G drops. Just like if you unplug a home phone from the wall jack in the middle of a call.

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk
Thanks but it would be better if they could build fall back to 1x oh well. Hope they improve it
I have been having,lots of issues with volte in an area that has bad 4g stability. Verizon had me check the signal strength it q as 90 to 92 but still kept droping to 3g and 1x and dropping my calls. Switching off volte works great for calls but if I am on long calls i miss important messages especially when use an internet beeper app when on call. I am trying to come up with a way to maybe use tasker in someway as well to easily switch volte off and on or make a shortcut to system,property but haven't found a way yet. I still think the old 2 antennas in older phones was way better than volte as I only use it for internet while on phone. I don't think hd voice gives any benefit and not many people I call have it. Also I think HD VIDEO could be useful if it was common to all phones ie like all iphones have facetime. All androids should have a common video calling. Also i was there was a way to facetime from an android
I thought you bought a new LG G4? It cannot surf & talk at the same time with VoLTE turned Off?

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk
I'm puzzled. How do you turn VoLTE on and off, anyway?
Is it the Advanced Calling setting?

Sent from my Verizon Galaxy Note4 using Tapatalk