I'm trying to download some pics to post on a forum and am very confused. I emailed them to myself so that I could cut and paste but it doesn't work.
I have a PC with Vista and media player if that matters.
I searched the forum and found no answers.
Can anyone help?
You want to get them in a thread in this forum here?
Where are the pics coming from?
You can right click on images on the web and save as...to your computer.
You also can click the image above
and past the link to an image. I left-clicked the image and got its location then clicked the image and pasted the path into it to get the icon to display in this post. So, you could also go to google's images, right click and get the path to the image and do the same, without downloading the image to your pc.
You also can insert a link
and attach an image to your post that way.