How do I get wifi tether to work.


Jul 28, 2010
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Hey has anyone gotten wifi tether working on gnex? I kept trying but every time it connects the data stops after a few mins. Now I can't get any data through at all even though it connects.

Also I'm using the wifi tether app
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Wifi tether works fine for me. My wife uses foxfi tether on her razr without problems either.
wifi tether works fine for me as well.

try changing the channel of it.
Yup Wifi tether works good version 3.1 beta 11. Best to turn off Wifi first before turning on tether.
Foxfi works perfect.

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Thanks for the web site I was looking for something like this and it works perfect first try even for me. That is not usually the case. ED

Foxfi works perfect.

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Foxfi worked fine for me for a few days. After a couple days I could only get local access, no interwebz. I was also getting random reboots, none after I uninstalled it.
Foxfi worked fine for me for a few days. After a couple days I could only get local access, no interwebz. I was also getting random reboots, none after I uninstalled it.

My FoxFi has worked just fine. Only glitz was when their server was down but that was just once. Great app for a non-rooted phone like my Razr Maxx. BTW this post was done using FoxFi 1.32!
Thanks for pointing out FoxFi. I had been using Elixer but the data would stop after about 5 or 10 minutes. Been testing FoxFi this morning and after 20 minutes it stopped transmitting data. I check the phone and it stated that FoxFi had quit unexpectedly. Fired it back up and haven't had an issue yet.
So I have wifi tether and built in wifi (currently on Liquidsmooth beta 5 4.0.3 rom / leankernal 2.2.0 and the 4.0.4 radios) and tether works very sporadically for me but perhaps its just my use case thats causing this issue.

my laptop and ipad 2 connect initially but when I stream video (such as streaming a show over airvideo on the ipad for 45 min) over 4G, the ipad seems to lose the AP for no reason... tether and ipad still say they are connected but data just stops on the tethered device. toggling wifi on either the gnex or the ipad2 fixes the problem but only temporarily... goes out again in several minutes randomly... anyone encounter this specific issue?

Been frustrated to say the least, coming from a thunderbolt and using that to watch tv shows at the gym every morning on the ipad...
I had FoxFi stop on my phone again today. Then after I got it restarted I lost all data and had to reboot the phone. Anyone else having issues?
I think there may be tethering issues in general for the Galaxy Nexus. I have had all data crap on my phone once, and it was not a good thing. It came back on it's own, and it didn't matter how many times I rebooted the phone. I have not had any issues recently though.
This issue is still not resolved

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