How do I have all but a few contacts sent directly to voicemail?


Feb 11, 2010
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Hi gang,

Is there a way to set my droid up so that anybody who calls and is not on a whitelist will be sent directly to voicemail? Basically I want a do not disturb mode that will let a couple of people through.

I've configured Google Voice to do this for my GV number. I need a way to do it when people dial my Verizon number. I want to shut out pollsters, wrong numbers, etc.

Yes there is a way to set up a blacklist. Posting from phone so I can't give you better directions
Go to your contacts, pick a contact and click on it, then hit menu>options, then check "incoming calls" send directly to voicemail
I didn't know about that feature. 5 months and I'm still learning new stuff. Wow, what can't the droid do?
That may not work for the OP but I thought I would comment on the "send directly to voice mail option", this option will ring on the callers end of the call. YOU will not hear it ring (and will only know someone on this list called you if you look in the call log) but the caller will, so IT IS NOT like they think your phone is off, just that you didn't answer it.

I can think of a couple of ways to do what your asking but It wouldn't be pretty.
I think the best way would be possibly forwarding your Verizon number to your google voice number? I use GV but only for the voice mail feature I dont have an actual GV number.
I don't think there's a whitelist out of the box. An app might do what you want but otherwise you're stuck setting specific contacts to go to voicemail which is mentioned in this thread but not quite what you're looking for (doesn't address those that aren't in your contacts).
I don't think there's a whitelist out of the box. An app might do what you want but otherwise you're stuck setting specific contacts to go to voicemail which is mentioned in this thread but not quite what you're looking for (doesn't address those that aren't in your contacts).

Exactly right, Takeshi. I need a way to make it so people I've never heard of go straight to voice mail.

Ideally I'd have a global setting to send all calls to voicemail and then be able to override that for specific contacts.

Your idea of an app is a good one. I'll hunt around. Thanks.
That may not work for the OP but I thought I would comment on the "send directly to voice mail option", this option will ring on the callers end of the call. YOU will not hear it ring (and will only know someone on this list called you if you look in the call log) but the caller will, so IT IS NOT like they think your phone is off, just that you didn't answer it.

That's okay. I'm just trying to stop wrong numbers and other pests from getting through.

I can think of a couple of ways to do what your asking but It wouldn't be pretty.
I think the best way would be possibly forwarding your Verizon number to your google voice number? I use GV but only for the voice mail feature I dont have an actual GV number.

Hmmm.... I didn't know about being able to forward the calls from my Verizon number to GV. That's a good thought especially since my GV number does do what I'm wanting. I'll look into it. Thanks!
Doesn't Google Voice have some sort of whitelist feature?
Doesn't Google Voice have some sort of whitelist feature?

Yeah, pretty much. I've already got it configured for when people call my GV number. I was looking for a way to block calls coming in directly to my Verizon number.