How do i not get cheated - rezound


New Member
Jan 3, 2012
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hello, i recently bought a htc rezound for $300 at a Korean-owned verizon store called "All Star Wireless Inc." located in *2716 W. Olympic Blvd.,#201 LA CA 90006* and im experiencing a problem with a phone alrdy. i noticed the problem 2 days after i purchased the phone

The issue is that there is a gap between the phone itself and the battery cover. the gap is located at the bottom right corner and at dark settings, i can see red light escaping. This is extremely frustrating because i use my "pinky finger" to hold my phone as leverage. Not only that, i JUST* bought it. The manager of the store had told me its a manufacturers problem. However, i suspect the same manager who attended to me when i purchased the phone had damaged the phone integrity when he repeatedly opened/closed the back cover (way over 5x times) BEcause he did not know what he was doing with the 4G chip.

What can i do to receive a new replacement, as the store does not seem to want to give me. Should i just call the Verizon company itself- and would they give me a replacement? i do not know how to handle the situation without letting myself feel cheated, Please Help.

P.s. The phone feels extremely fragile when i hold it (pinky finger) when i put force into it, i can shut the gap completely but as soon as i let go, it reverts to the same gap since the battery cover and the phone is not intact. I am aware the back cover must be intact with the phone in order to have any data reception, so i am very concerned..
Have you tried buying a new back cover? I know it sucks since you just bought it but if it solves your problem its a cheap fix.

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Have you tried buying a new back cover? I know it sucks since you just bought it but if it solves your problem its a cheap fix.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums

where can i even get one
try amazon. Also you if you have insurance, you can check and see if they'll replace the phone since it's a hardware problem.
Verizon Wireless has a standard Bionic battery cover online. They may have one for the rezound

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Or I wonder what their return policy is? 14 days or maybe 30? You could just try and return the phone and go buy another somewhere else.
I would create a major stink in the store that you bought it in. Get aggressive and hold your ground. Start getting loud if they aren't budging. They won't want other customers to get scared away. Good luck!
Or I wonder what their return policy is? 14 days or maybe 30? You could just try and return the phone and go buy another somewhere else.


I would create a major stink in the store that you bought it in. Get aggressive and hold your ground. Start getting loud if they aren't budging. They won't want other customers to get scared away. Good luck!

and this^

Dont accept BS from them. Also contact Verizon directly. i had an issue with The Wireless Zone (independant Verizon Wireless "Premium" Retailer) in regards to lies about mobile broadband and refusal to help with a company discount. I *****ed in the store and got nowhere so asked to use their phone to make a quick phone call. Using that phone i called regular verizon customer service explained the situation and even got a supervisor on the line that then talked to the owner of that store. It was then forwarded on and that store was shut down about 2 months later. Apparently i wasnt the only one the lied to and screwed. at least 5 people left the store while i was on the phone.