how do i root after the new 2.2.1update on dx

Z4root still works (though may require a reboot if it hangs).

DroidForums junkie!!
+1 for z4root that's how I rooted after the new update and worked on the first try
Another plug for z4root. It did hang but like another poster said a simple reboot fixed it right up.

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I upgraded two nights ago to .340 and used z4root to re-root the phone with no problem. Worked first time like a charm.dancedroid
Just rerooted my droidx usingZ4 on my phone it was a little complicated for me but through the help of you guys and the forum got it done and learned a lot in the process. Now I can root and unroot when I want not that I would unroot but its there if you need it Thanks
What ROMs work on the new updates? Or do they all still work?

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