I was hoping the last update was going to fix everything. Well I think things just got worse. 5-6 reboots a day. Slow sometimes. When I listened to XM radio and the screen would turn off, the XM turned off. Really upsetting to me on the train in the morning. The final straw was I d/l'd Viber and my phone no longer worked. So I thought about why do some people have no problems and others have many? Our phones are clones of each other. What is different in my phone than John's phone. Then it hit me. The d/l'd apps. I went to Uninstall and went at it. First to go were apps I have never opened. Then apps I rarely would open. Then apps that I said to myself, if you really need it someday you can d/l it again. Then I deleted apps that were there just to impress friends (they are not impressed anymore). I deleted somewhere around 20 apps. Amazingly everything started to work perfectly again. My phone was fast again. XM stayed on even when the screen went blank. The phone worked again. Not one reboot since yesterday . This culling fixed everything and I have a new Thunderbolt again!!!:icon_ banana: