How in the world do you A2DP on Bluetooth??


Feb 12, 2010
Reaction score
Whatsup fellas. So i've got my USB bluetooth dongle connected to my laptop with windows 7. I've paired the devices together, but in driod it is saying "paired but not connected". I would like the music playing on my droid to play through my laptop speakers.

I know everything is compatible because I was able to do this 2weeks ago using all the same components. But now for the life of me I can't get this to work?

Any idea please, i'm going nuts

I know i'm being extremely inpaitient but i'm going nuts because I know I had this working.. Anyone please chime in..
I know i'm being extremely inpaitient but i'm going nuts because I know I had this working.. Anyone please chime in..

Hey, at least you didn't make 5 new threads about it. I'd rather see a bump then that.

Check your firewall? Any changes there?
Ok. I got it to work on my laptop with windows 7. But the same bluetooth dongle on windows XP isn't working.

Will a2dp just not work on windows xp??
At least try a Google search first:
Let me google that for you

I don't know the answer but the first few hits seem to indicate that XP doesn't natively support it. The homework of how to get it working is left up to the student.