I don't have any custom ROMs running or anything, but I did notice one time when I wasn't using any of the widgets, but just had beautiful widgets installed, that it was accounting for battery life for me, albeit not 41%.
I use battery left widget, which has a button to expose the battery history screen for the Droid (there are other apps that will expose this screen too). I saw that Beatiful Widgets was going haywire waking my phone up from sleep. I think it might have been using the GPS too, but I can't remember now. I uninstalled it since I wasn't using any of the widgets at the time anyway.
I have since reinstalled it because I'm using the widgets again, but I've never seen that oddity again.
I would get spare parts, battery left, battery status, better cut or some app that lets you see the battery history screen so you can see why Beautiful Widgets is draining your battery (is it waking it frmo sleep, using the gps, consuming cpu cycles, etc?) and maybe just try an uninstall/reinstall. There's also a # code you can dial to see the screen without installing any apps, but i can't remember what it is now. Sorry.
My guess is that just having it installed it is one of those apps that just starts up on its own, and i guess goes haywire for some reason. I also don't use the fb app, and have it set to never update, yet it is always showing in my partial wake usage and in the usage screen as using my battery, yet i don't even use it.