How Many Times Have You Dropped Your Droid?


Nov 20, 2009
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Im just wondering, when I first got this phone I was extremely careful. Im like that with my phones, but then I got my case. Before hand I dropped it once, it slipped out of my hands and I dropped it. Then I got the case and three times since then. First time was so bad the case broke off, its a snap on case. As I said, Im very careful with my phones but sometimes they just slip. So Im wondering, how many times has everyone else dropped it?
mine's eaten concrete twice and tile floor once. Don't count carpeted drops. Scratched the bezel around the screen pretty good on the concrete. My phones don't stay pretty for too long. lol You should see my old samsung i760 after almost 3 years of use.
Yea, this is one thing I am worried about. This is the first phone in 10 years I've actually had to pay for. Was getting free phones from work and I would upgrade every 9 months to a year, so I never really worried about it.

I'm 'stuck' with this one for two years so I've got to be extra careful with it....
Havent dropped my Droid. And never dropped my Dare once in the almost two years I had it either. The thing looks like it did the day I got it. No holsters, no pouches. Just sat in my pocket.
I have yet to encounter anyone who has never dropped their phone. I have dropped mine three times, one time on the concrete, resulting in a small scratch....other wiselooking good.
Have had mine since launch. Haven't dropped it once. Carry it naked.
Haven't dropped my Droid yet... But then again, we're still in the honey moon stage and I don't think I've had it in my pocket or out of my sight for more than a minute lol.
I've only had it for a little less than a month, but I had my first close call today. Was at work, and my body glove case made it catch on my pocket, so it slipped out of my hand as I kept the motion of pulling it out. I caught it mid air like a ninja (and a co-worker said "sweet catch", haha). I have the full body glove on and a screen protector, so I've always been curious how it would withstand a fall to a hard surface, but thankfully it won't be today that I find out that question myself.
Mine has been dropped twice, both times knocked off my desk onto the hardwood floor. No scratches or cracks or visible damage of any kind. Still works perfectly.
Mine has been dropped twice, both times knocked off my desk onto the hardwood floor. No scratches or cracks or visible damage of any kind. Still works perfectly.

No case? If so, bravo, Droid! I'm going to baby mine for a little bit longer or else it will just seem weird. I'm sure many feel the same way.
Mine has been dropped twice, both times knocked off my desk onto the hardwood floor. No scratches or cracks or visible damage of any kind. Still works perfectly.

No case? If so, bravo, Droid! I'm going to baby mine for a little bit longer or else it will just seem weird. I'm sure many feel the same way.

Correct -- no case, no screen-protector, nothing...
That's good to hear, Laurence. I'll probably eventually take the case off, but I smudge things up a lot, so I feel safer having the screen protector on so it's easier to wipe clean without getting on the actual phone.
That's good to hear, Laurence. I'll probably eventually take the case off, but I smudge things up a lot, so I feel safer having the screen protector on so it's easier to wipe clean without getting on the actual phone.

I'm not terribly concerned about fingerprint smudges -- I've not had any problems wiping them off with a clean, dry cloth or towel. Scratches do concern me a bit, so I don't put the phone in the same pocket with my keys -- but from what I've seen on YouTube, the glass on the Droid is very scratch-resistant when keys are involved. So, overall, I just don't see the need for me personally to invest in a case or a screen-protector. But to each his own, of course. :)
I've lost count of how many times I've dropped it. At least 5, once on a hard wood floor. 0 damage, no case.