How to attach a location to a rule?


New Member
Sep 1, 2012
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Looks like Smart Actions is a lot smarter than me!

Have not been able to attach a location while attempting to create a location based rule (Razor Maxx). What's the secret?

The location I need has been defined and is on the location list (WiFi on, and location identified by Verizon service). But when attempting to attach it to the rule, I touch it on the location list and it takes me to a map of the location where I do not see how to attach it to the rule. If I press "done", it takes me back to the location list, with no option to attach to the rule.

There must be a very simple step I am missing. Anybody can help on that?
You need to click the checkmark box on the right for the defined location, don't click on the location itself. Then click Done.
Thank you very much. On the dark screen scheme and low lighting, my older eyes never noticed there was a check box on the right.

-- I was hoping to schedule a smart action to disable locking the phone while at chosen locations, but it seems there is no action for that?
No problem. Happy to be of service...and to be the one to give you your first "Like"! Welcome aboard! :D