How to be notified when someone writes a review for your app


New Member
Jan 10, 2012
Reaction score
Appologies in advance if this is not the correct forum, this is just where I found it most probable to find app developers.

Just a quick heads up to all app developers.

I've created a fully automated system that searches for newly published android app reviews online, and for each review an email is being sent to the corresponding app developer to notify of the available review.

What you need to do?
Nothing. You may get an email notifying you of reviews for your apps at any time, and you can choose to not receive further notifications if you don't want to. If you're already in a large company with sufficient funds for marketing strategies this might not be interesting at all.


It has happened to me more than once that I've created an app that has been reviewed by an independent source.
The sad thing is that I mostly haven't found out about the available review until it's "old news".

For us indie developers it can be crucial to be able to use those reviews in our desperate tries to reach out with our products.

What I need!
Just drop me a pm or leave a comment if you like or dislike my idea. I also appreciate any links you can send me to sites that publish app reviews.

I do have a visual front end that can serve as a way of finding app reviews for a certain app, feel free to have a look at Android App Reviews | Latest reviews if you like.

Have a nice weekend :) is a fully free site/service whose sole purpose is to aid app developers by notifying them when app reviews are available for their products.
Seems like a good idea.

How do you do monitor this if I may ask?
Seems like a good idea.

How do you do monitor this if I may ask?

Thanks :)

The engine mostly relies on rss feeds when searching for new app reviews, then there's a little extra logic for fetching app and developer details,
nothing magical but I got a really good framework to build upon now.

I am currently focusing on localizing everything to have the site be fully international. And today I just published a new feature for app developers,
a Review web Widget for easy linking to the reviews for a certain app (
