How to free up space on my internal SD ??


New Member
Jan 6, 2013
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Hi guys,

What would be the best way to conserve the free space on my Razr M (XT907, 4gb ) while using your Safestrap software? Without having to restore over the Stock rom slot?

I currently have a 32gb external SD card installed in my phone that I am hardly making use of, which is silly. I seemed to have quickly maxed out my phone’s internal SD card 0 shortly after installing a Eclipse mod and snapping a few pictures/videos and installing GTA3 (large game). As simple as this task sounds, I have been unable to find clear instructions online on how to free up my space.

Maybe would there be any way to symlink the entire /safestrap directory to my external SD card? How about changing the default location that my apps are saved or installed to? I am comfortable connecting via ADB and making changes in Linux if necessary.

Thank you! :hail:

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Limit the number of pics and videos is about it. Move them to a site you can access and/or a computer and delete them from the phone.

Also, do you have an SD card in it? I know you stated "internal SD" but not another. If not, get one and save your pics, videos to it.
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OK, well, how about this:
I run out of the space necessary to even save vids/pics to my internal SD after I install one large app--GTA 3. The stuff it puts into my /data folder during installation chews up all of the remaining space (~400mb) that is left after I have already installed all my core apps. This is unacceptable if I am going to be storing other large apps on my phone.
I have found out that the blur camera app has a configuration setting to change the default storage, but Eclipse Mod 1.1's camera app does not. So pic/vid storage is not an issue then. Put I still would like to free up space for additional apps.
Yes, I have a 32gb external micro SDHC. So far, the best implementation of it has been to use it as a place to store my .apk files and ROM backups from Safestrap.
Anyone try the Link2SD app? Do I really need a developer phone?
You can't do apps to SD with the M. Kinda silly but that is the way it is. Maybe the next big OTA system change will change that as we can only hope.
I have about 130 apps on my phone, 400 pictures, maybe 15 short videos. No music. I have tons of room left. I think if I remember reading correctly that ROMs take up a lot of room because of the partitions. Maybe go back to just Jelly Bean? I don't know if the partitions will go back to normal though, but I'd bet someone can chime in on that.

How do you know if you have a developer version? I've never figured that out.
You can't do apps to SD with the M. Kinda silly but that is the way it is. Maybe the next big OTA system change will change that as we can only hope.
I have about 130 apps on my phone, 400 pictures, maybe 15 short videos. No music. I have tons of room left. I think if I remember reading correctly that ROMs take up a lot of room because of the partitions. Maybe go back to just Jelly Bean? I don't know if the partitions will go back to normal though, but I'd bet someone can chime in on that.

How do you know if you have a developer version? I've never figured that out.
There's gotta be a way....
You can check if you have a dev version on the website and checking your ESN I believe.
But you will more than likely know if you have the dev version because of $600 missing from your pocket haha. It's not a standard purchase.
I tried a couple Apps to SD apps and they say "can't be done on your phone". Tried the app anyway and message comes up that says this when you open the app. I haven't heard of anyone that has done it.