(not so) long awaited procedure to root after OTA Update
How to root your OTA Updated Revo:
This method requires you to downgrade your phone back to the V4 stock version. As of now, there seems to be no root process for the V6 update. This method has worked for me and I am also on a custom ROM that has been said to have some, if not most of the V6 updates included without the bloatware.
Step One:
- Be sure to get the following files:
---- LG VZW_United_WHQL_v1.2.0.exe
---- LGAndroidDriver_Ver_1.0_All.exe
---- LGNPST_Store_Lab-1.zip
---- VS910.dll (required to use LGNPST_Store_Lab-1.zip)
---- VS910ZV4_04.S4_04.P58008.R5.user.tot
---- RevoToolkit-1.0.apk (This is untested by me but supposed to provide an easier method to install CWM mod vs the ADB method)
---- SuperOneClickv2.1.1-ShortFuse (Includes the needed ADB program)
---- rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin (The exploit needed to root revo, not necessarily found with SuperOneCLick)
---- RevoltRom1.3.zip (This is optional, but recommended to speed up your revo and also to comply with the original topic of this thread. It 'seems' to stop the OTA from 'trying' the update since it includes updated features. NOTE that I said 'seems'... Other things I did may be the actual result I haven't seen the OTA try to install...
Ok, so to start, you will want to be sure that you have the drivers on your computer (I'm using windows 7 x64), so that is what this method has proven to work on by me.
Be sure to install:
- LG VZW_United_WHQL_v1.2.0.exe
- LGAndroidDriver_Ver_1.0_All.exe
Both may not be required, but I have both installed and things worked.
Then you will need to install:
- LGNPST_Store_Lab-1.zip
- VS910.dll (This is just copied into the folder LGNPST/Models. My install put the LGNPST program in C:\LG Electronics, not c:\Program Files (x68)... )
- You will run the LGNPST program, select the VS910.dll via Menu: File --> Select DLL.
- Then, in the bottom right of the LGNPST program, select BIN File (folder icon) to load the 'bin'.
--- This will require you to enter *.* in order to find the .tot file. Don't worry, this .tot file is what you need in the LGNPST Program.
- Once loaded and your phone is connected and recognized (Phone must be in 'Internet USB Mode'), hit the Start Button. This will begin the process of restoring your phone back to V4.
After that has completed, which takes a while, you will then need the SuperClick program to root.
- Copy, or verify, the rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin file is located in the Exploits folder where you extraced SuperOneClick.
- Run SuperOneClick, Select the exploit pull down (which defaults to 'auto') and select the rageagainstthecage option.
- Press the Root button and let it do its thing.
--- If it fails, this is what I had to do.. Reboot your phone. While it is rebooting, have the SuperOneClick program ready and waiting for you to hit Root again. As soon as the LG Logo becomes animated, hit Root and let it try again (While it is rebooting). This seemed to get the read/write options to work, where failed. This possibly is part of the update that is sticking around to stop you from rooting. So, try a few times. If/when succeeded, move on to the next steps if you wish to have some of the update 'fixes' without the update and a faster custom ROM...
To install a ROM, you need to have CWM installed.
Two methods to doing so seem to exist:
- The method I used was at this link:
[RELEASE][6-14-2011] CWM Ported to the Revolution 4G! - xda-developers
Follow that and you should have a backup original image and the new image to get CWM to work to install custom ROMs
- The OTHER method, which is UNTESTED by me, is to use a simple tool called RevoToolKit, which is and APK file that runs directly on your phone. If it works, which others seem to say it does, this would be the most simple form of installing CWM to your phone. Be aware that this app is small, but uses a downloader to install CWM, so you want to make sure you have a good internet connection or data connection...
After that, you will want to follow the directions for CWM (ClockWorkMod) at this link:
[Rom][8-17-11]Revolt Rom 1.3 - xda-developers
After all that, you should have a rooted Revo AFTER you managed to do the update.
I included links to some instructions in order to shorten up this post and not 'copy' someone else's methods and be sure that you can give the credit to them. The only credit I deserve for this is a complete step-by-step, in one place procedure to get you back or to root your Revo if you did the update.
In time, I am sure that there will be a simpler way to root the OTA Update, but until then, this is working for me and hope that this helps clear up some issues for others that find it tough to get back to root after the OTA Update.
-- LGAndroidDriver_Ver_1.0_All.exe
-- LG VZW_United_WHQL_v1.2.0.exe
LG Forum
-- LGNPST_Store_Lab-1.zip
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service
-- VS910.dll
xda-developers - View Single Post - [GET]LG Revolution VS910 Original Firmware
-- VS910ZV4_04.S4_04.P58008.R5.user.tot
[GET]LG Revolution VS910 Original Firmware - xda-developers
-- SuperOneClickv2.1.1-ShortFuse
[APP]SuperOneClick v2.1.1 (Finally fixed!) - xda-developers (File Links are at BOTTOM of page)
-- RevoltRom1.3.zip
[Rom][8-17-11]Revolt Rom 1.3 - xda-developers (Use this link to find the download link)
PLEASE NOTE: This guide worked for me and should work for others, but I give no gaurantees. I also do not believe that this post violates any terms, so please notify me if so and I will try to redo this guide in a more complying form.
ALSO: I do not take credit for any methods from other users and tried to include the links to let you see who provided the actual methods/instructions for their credit they deserved. The only credit I am granted would be putting all such processes in a ONE-STOP-SHOP place to get things done. It worked for me, let me know how it worked for you.
When performing such operations, I have found that it did require me to attempt rooting multiple times, even having to click un-root a few times within SuperOneClick to make this work. It's possible, but not easily done to brick your phone with what I mentioned above. I did all sorts of crazy attempts to get this to work before having the step by step process that seemed to get me back to a rooted phone. Please let me know how things worked for you.