how to interpret Available memory?


Sep 14, 2010
Reaction score
Long Island
First, I know that task killers are frowned upon, but I am only using this as tool to help me understand my problem.

I am trying to understand how to interpret the available memory portrayed in the settings/applications/running services screen versus what ATK shows?

For instance the OS says the following in the pink/yellow/green bar at the bottom of the screen: "Other: 126MB in 12 Avail: 17MB + 85MB in 18" while at the same time ATK states "52". What do these statement mean?

The reason for my question that I notice substantial slowdowns through out the day. And if I run ATK, to kill a bunch of stuff I notice a HUGE improvement, but most of the apps will respawn. So I am now trying to understand what is consuming all that memory and how can I better my situation?
I stop using a taskkiller and my dx is runninng better and faster then with the taskkiller

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Try "system panel" on the droid market! You can view memory, processor, sd card and more. Plus it has a feature where it records the history of your cpu and network. I haven't messed with the history part yet. It's also a task killer. Let me know how it goes. (Smiles)
I stop using a taskkiller and my dx is runninng better and faster then with the taskkiller

Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums App

Gee thanks for that helpful bit. I didn't say I was running it perpetually, I said I was running for the purpose of measuring available memory. RIF
Finally, along the bottom of the screen are some obscure numbers. If you know how to interpret them, this gives you a lot of information on the memory status of your device:

* Avail: 38MB+114MB in 25 says that the device has 38MB of completely free (or likely used for unrequired caches) memory, and has another 114MB of available memory in 25 background processes it can kill at any time.
• Other: 32MB in 3 says that the device has 32MB of unavailable memory in 3 unkillable processes (that is, processes that are currently considered to be foreground and must be kept running)

There ya go
Big Giant THANK YOU to Darkseider. I have been looking for this info for ages. Apparently my search skills are lacking :)