HTC Incredible force close with OEM messages, Handcent, ChompSMS.....


Nov 15, 2009
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Re-posting this but here on the "HTC Incredible" boards to hopefully find a resolution....

Well i recently upgraded to an HTC droid incredible and i have only one gripe, and im curious if im alone on this one. text messaging is ridiculous right now. i used the OEM messages app and after about 50 texts messages it force closes and deletes them all. so i tried handcent, same thing after about 50, then ChompSMS, same thing as the others. im getting frustrated because it doesnt force close after ive read them, it does it when i hit a certain number, then crashes, and i dont get a chance to read them before it deletes them from a force close.

now the moto droid i had before had this issue when i first got it, then somehow down the road maybe after an update it never did it again. i had something like 400 text messsages on there and it was just fine.

im using the same apps i used on the moto droid with the same settings and everything, nothing new or changed.

anyone else having this problem? not one other function or app is giving me issues at all, everything else is "Incredible", aside from the battery life. just this text messaging chaos.

thanks everyone!

Update: update i its force closing with 14 messages. its not the third party ones force closing, looks like it is the oem thats flipping out. "". not once have i seen handcent or chompsms stated as force close but of course the messages are gone.

edit: now its handcent as well with the oem. this is ridiculous.....

Update: just factory reset the phone and it made it to about 60 messages and the embedded message app is force it cant be a conflict with another app. Am I the only one?
I AM HAVING SAME ISSUE! I got my phone a little over a week ago and the force close has occurred at least 10 times. I didn't notice how many texts I'd had prior to it happening, but I too have lost unread messages as well as messages I had locked.

I am finding it VERY frustrating. Have you taken the issue up with Verizon or have you found any solution?
I AM HAVING SAME ISSUE! I got my phone a little over a week ago and the force close has occurred at least 10 times. I didn't notice how many texts I'd had prior to it happening, but I too have lost unread messages as well as messages I had locked.

I am finding it VERY frustrating. Have you taken the issue up with Verizon or have you found any solution?

last night i resorted to doing a factory reset on the phone and start over adding one app at a time. right after the reset i decided to not insall any apps at all and see what happens. it crashed after about 50, first it was "" something that looked like the actual system crashed. similar to "explorer" on windows crashing. and then followed by "" whatever. only it didnt erase the messages this time. so i installed my apps back on one by one but didnt install some and it still seems fine. i have probably 300 messages on the embedded messages app and it hasnt crashed once since the one time after the reset. ill post a list of my old app setup vs new app setup on here in a little bit after i gather the information. i think it might have been a backup application causing the issue. like messages coming in while it was searching for messages to back up and the incoming and saving crossed paths and it flipped out. like it couldnt multitask.
ok it crashed again, i made it to almost 500 messages. but it crashed because of me receiving a mms. earlier it did the same thing from a chain-mail text with a very very small picture attached to it but it didn't delete the messages. i just received a full sized photo and it crashed, then it crashed my sms back up app, then it deleted them all. i think its the mms. im going to try to disable mms all together and see if thats it. im so pissed my messages are gone.
542 views and no one has any ideas on this!? come on people! help us out here.
ive have same problem it will erase them sum times even b4 i read them i have a new phone on the way right now i use a sms backup app it will back all your mess up and restore them. kind of a pain but thats what i have to do till the 26th cuz thats the soonest i can get the phone.
i found a "band-aid" for the problem until it is corrected. when it says it locked up and to force it closed, dont. just pull the battery out and boot the phone back up. they are all there and intact and everything is fine. whens your new phone come in? is it a new replacement or a refurb? im wondering if it is the phone or a bug in the OS. i also dont want to trade it under equipment insurance and end up with one with knicks on it.
I have the same issue and its pissing me off. Its been going on for two weeks now. Im going to call Verizon tonight.

I've had the Incredible since the day it came out and this issue has driven me nuts. I've researched it extensively and here's what I've found:

1) Some people think this issue is caused by other apps, and there are various opinions on this idea but nothing concrete... though it remains a possibility. Using different SMS apps like Handset, Chomp, or even the regular SMS app hasn't helped either.

2) Refreshing the phone has worked for some, but has not proved to be a permanent fix

3) Others have said that the issue is related to SQLLite, which is the database used by Android... if this is the case, hopes are that it will be resolved with Android 2.2, due out shortly but with no set release date. I work in technology and this possibility makes the most sense for a number of technical reasons... so we may just have to wait it out for a bit.

4) For the time being, I'd recommend an SMS backup program like SMS Backup/Restore, and set it to back up messages each day so you'll never lose more than a day's worth of messages after a restore
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I have well over 1,000 and I've not had any trouble...I'm using Handcent....
Im having the same bs problem. Itangers me to no end! Both sms android and handcent are force closing. Im not even bothering with VZW I know they'll do nothing about it. Ill try the battery removal idea next time.
Also, i am now backing up to gmail but only after having this issue. So that kills the idea of interference between incoming and backing up at same time.
Im hoping an upgrade will fix it.....or my "incredible" phone will be at the end of my driveway on garbage night
remove handcent. then do a factory reset.
deleted texts

I have handcent and htc incredible, same here.I lost ALL my texts for no reason. As I am reading this thread I realize I did have many forced many I stopped paying attention so maybe that preceded my text crash also. HELP!!