HTC One M8 - Signal Strength and Internet Calling Options


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Mar 19, 2010
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I've had the Droid3 (D3) for several years. Got the HTC One M8 about 3 weeks ago.. Love the phone overall but the signal strength can't compare to my old D3. I gave the D3 to my wife so I can still run compares side by side. From my home the D3 never dropped a call or showed 'no network'. The HTC One M8 does it from several rooms in the house. I called VZ support and they had me change the phone from Global to LTE/CDMA. That 'seemed' to improve things but not by much.

My home has never been a great signal strength location but the D3 could handle it. The HTC One M8 is a better phone in all areas other than signal strength for calls versus my old D3. Unfortunately the ability to make and get calls is the most important feature for me. I'm on Android 4.4.2 and the phone did an auto update not too long ago and when I check for updates it says I'm up to date. The update didn't help nor hurt the signal issue.

For 3G my numbers range from -101 dBm to -125 dBm but tend toward the -118 dBm
For 4G my numbers range from -113 dBm to -120 dBm but tend toward the -115 dBm
For what it's worth my D3 is steady at around -99 dBm and is only 3G capable.

I shut down the phone, removed and reinserted the sim card and turned the phone back on again and there was no change. Never had a sim issue anyway.

Putting the phone in safe mode caused it to remain in 3G for a longer time BUT it held steady between -99 dBm and -100 dBm which is way better than the -101 dBm to -125 dBm I get when not in safe mode. When it did finally go into 4G it jumped up to -110 dBm to -113 dBm.

I noticed that the second I 'gently' picked it up it would jump to -118 dBm in either 3G or 4G. So as soon as it restarted and wasn't in safe mode I picked it up to see what would happen and it jumped to -118 too.

I'm beginning to think that the issue is that the HTC One M8 is simply a little weaker in signal reception than the D3. Couple the weak signal in the area with the slightly weaker reception on the HTC One, especially when picked up and we may have a recipe for more dropped calls or no reception.

Anyone got a suggestion/tweak? Anyone experiencing the same issue?

There is an option – setting->calls->Internet calling->For all calls when data network is available – I’ve turned this option on with Mobile data turned off and the calls work fine but I can't tell if this is truly working just through my WIFI since the term 'when data network is available is used' may mean use my Verizon signal instead of WIFI. If these settings are causing the calls to come through my home network WIFI this could be a solution. Does anyone know anything about this option?

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Calls over a wifi network is what VOIP providers do. I don't know how VZW would route a regular call to their data network. Perhaps that's a question for VZW.
That internet calling option is for VoIP service. You need to set it up with a VoIP provider. (The option above what you changed.)

Nothing to do with Verizon.
You can use apps like talkatone or groove IP for WiFi calling .

Calls over a wifi network is what VOIP providers do. I don't know how VZW would route a regular call to their data network. Perhaps that's a question for VZW.

Sent from my XT1058 using Tapatalk
I've sent an email to HTC support and I'll post a another support question with Verizon about the internet calling options on the phone. I understand VOIP but I also think it's possible to use the data signal from Verizon for calls much like using the modem and router from Comcast. But that wouldn't solve my problem with the weak Verizon signal and slightly weaker HTC One signal reception. I'll post back what I find about the internet calling. In the meantime back to my original questions about the HTC One M8:

I'm beginning to think that the issue is that the HTC One M8 is simply a little weaker in signal reception than the D3. Couple the weak signal in the area with the slightly weaker reception on the HTC One, especially when picked up and we may have a recipe for more dropped calls or no reception.

Anyone got a suggestion/tweak? Anyone experiencing the same issue?
This may be the answer for all of us with in-house signal strength issues!!!! See the response below from Verizon Support! If this works it would be like an 'extender' but you'd need to be careful to set it back to 'Internet calls only' when leaving the house or you'd probably eat up your allotment of mobile data from Verizon. Anyway here's the response from Verizon support:

I've got an answer for you! In the Internet Calling menu there are three options. "Only for Internet Calls" means the device will use a data network (ours or Wi-Fi if connected) only for that type of call. The option, "For all calls when data network is available" will cause the device to use the data network it is connected to for EVERY call. It would use whatever data network it is connected to, so if you have disabled Mobile Data it can only use Wi-Fi (or our voice network if not connected to any data network). In other words, that means "a data network" and will not use the "Mobile Data Network" unless you enable it. The third option, "Ask For Each Call," means you will be prompted for your preference for each call.

Hope that sheds some light on those choices.

Follow US on Twitter @VZWSupport
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On second thought....there's a 'this is too easy and too good to be true' feeling to this. I've tested it by calling myself and then turned off my WIFI and the call continued working. I would have thought it would have dropped or shown some sign of a problem even if just for a few seconds. I've pinged Verizon support for additional info.
...see my first post.

Internet calling is not related to vz or you cell #.

It is for setting up VoIP/sip phone service. And is part of android.

Put your phone on airplane mode and turn on WiFi.

You will not be able to call since the cell radio is off.

T-Mobile has true WiFi calling. But is is a feature they bake into their phones.