It looks like HTC is trying to "one-up" Samsung. While Sammy is busy starting up their pre-order sales of the Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge, HTC decided to actually offer their flagship HTC One M9 for sale starting late tonight (early tomorrow). Specifically, if you go to HTC.com starting at 12:01am EST.
To be clear, this only applies if you are willing to purchase the unlocked device outright for $650 USD, as this offer will not go through any of the carriers for a subsidy price. Carrier versions will be available on April 10th. There is one exception to this. Supposedly, HTC will also offer the option to finance the phone interest free for 12 months through HTC.
It's also worth noting that HTC wanted to reiterate their new "Uh Oh" protection plan which is included when you purchase the HTC One M9.
Here's the HTC website for further details or to sign up tonight: HTC United States
Also, don't forget to check our dedicated HTC One M9 section for further discussion: HTC One M9 and M9 plus Android Forum at DroidForums.net
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