HTC Released 5 'Experience' Tutorials for their New Selfie-Focused Desire Eye


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

The above video is just one of five that HTC recently released with the purpose of showing off several of the qualities and features that their new selfie-centered Desire Eye smartphone can provide. While most of what is demoed in the videos is pretty handy, some are actually bizarre and/or useless.

The videos range from Face Tracking and Screen Share demos to Auto Selfie and Voice Selfie and more. Check all five of them out in the thread below and let us know if any of these would make you want to pick up this phone.

Source: HTC Tutorials
Here are all five of those HTC tutorial videos for the Desire Eye:

Yeah, I've never understood it either (But then I'm in my 40s so there's that) lol
I mean I understand there will be certain times, but to dedicate a phone specifically touting this as the main feature? I wonder if this will go the way of the Facebook phone?
Nahhh I doubt it, the overall specs are still great. but it will be interesting to see the sales numbers for this device after 6 months.

S5 tap'n