HTC Sense Weather location issue


New Member
Jun 13, 2011
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The stock HTC Sense weather widget used to work just fine,

but recently, the location only says "Current Location"
wherever I am. I tried refreshing it, remove the app from the homescreen
and add it again, but still no help..
Now it's been like 3 days since it stopped showing me the right location.

Can I get some answers here??
Same thing is happening to me.any answers

Sent from my ADR6400L using DroidForums
My Thunderbolt is TERRIBLE at detecting my location. Its usually +- 30 miles off. I've stopped relying on the weather apps and such.
It's Verizon its a conspiracy to f with the customers

Dragon Private Investigations
same I just go on fu* lol :p cant rely on htc anymore. maybe one day I'll look for a app for weather but its not too important.

this was sent from my phone that is cellular
The HTC Droid Incredible had this problem for some people- gotta flash a custom ROM or factory reset.

Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums
I have had a similar problem with my Droid Incredible. Last night, within one mile of my location (which was really Lansing, MI), it stated first that I was in Tampa, FL and then South Bend, IN. Wow. I didn't know my phone included a quick-travel option. :p

*228 (Roaming) usually does the trick as far as fixing things. Or, you can turn your GPS off, turn off the phone, turn the phone back on, turn on the GPS.

Both options have worked for me.
I have had a similar problem with my Droid Incredible. Last night, within one mile of my location (which was really Lansing, MI), it stated first that I was in Tampa, FL and then South Bend, IN. Wow. I didn't know my phone included a quick-travel option. :p

*228 (Roaming) usually does the trick as far as fixing things. Or, you can turn your GPS off, turn off the phone, turn the phone back on, turn on the GPS.

Both options have worked for me.

I wish posters would check the forum they are posting to , then STOP recommending *228 for the thunderbolt!
I wish posters would check the forum they are posting to , then STOP recommending *228 for the thunderbolt!
chill out. There are many conflicting reports on that. Some say it messes up the phone, some say it hangs up, some say you have to call antoehr number then do *228. Not the PP's fault the TB is schizo.

that said, he gave an example and thought it would work. Even though he may not have the TB, the fact he has an HTC, should be similar enough.

i cross post as necessary, and this happened to me the other day. I just rebooted my phone and it worked. I also had my stock clock show 3 hours earlier. I rebooted and it worked fine.
chill out. There are many conflicting reports on that. Some say it messes up the phone, some say it hangs up, some say you have to call antoehr number then do *228. Not the PP's fault the TB is schizo.

that said, he gave an example and thought it would work. Even though he may not have the TB, the fact he has an HTC, should be similar enough.

i cross post as necessary, and this happened to me the other day. I just rebooted my phone and it worked. I also had my stock clock show 3 hours earlier. I rebooted and it worked fine.

Well from what I've read and heard straight from the "horses mouth" (Verizon) *228 is never to be done on the Thunderbolt. It uses a SIM card so it provisions and updates differently. It is a 4G not like the poster 3G droid. I would be really ticked off if I followed advice given and damaged my device:icon_evil:
One "fix" across forums without even giving the OP a caveat to possible damage shouldn't be accepted on any forum.
Well from what I've read and heard straight from the "horses mouth" (Verizon) *228 is never to be done on the Thunderbolt. It uses a SIM card so it provisions and updates differently. It is a 4G not like the poster 3G droid. I would be really ticked off if I followed advice given and damaged my device:icon_evil:
One "fix" across forums without even giving the OP a caveat to possible damage shouldn't be accepted on any forum.
that's why your butt needs to verify things before doing anything to your phone. If someone posts a solution, I won't immediately go out and do it, I'll research and find others that did or didn't do it.

if somoene tells you to do something to your phone and you do it blindly, then its your fault. Next time don't be so rude to the newbie, he was trying to help a fellow user. And besides, hearing from "Verizon" sometimes is still incorrect. One forum i saw had numerous people stating they got an email directly from Verizon saying to dial a number, THEN dial *228. They weren't newbies either. So who is right in this case? your person, or theirs?
that's why your butt needs to verify things before doing anything to your phone. If someone posts a solution, I won't immediately go out and do it, I'll research and find others that did or didn't do it.

if somoene tells you to do something to your phone and you do it blindly, then its your fault. Next time don't be so rude to the newbie, he was trying to help a fellow user. And besides, hearing from "Verizon" sometimes is still incorrect. One forum i saw had numerous people stating they got an email directly from Verizon saying to dial a number, THEN dial *228. They weren't newbies either. So who is right in this case? your person, or theirs?

That's what some "newbies" do. They come to a device specific forum looking for device specific help. Not try this, it worked on my phone..... Last I looked the OP has a Thunderbolt and posted his question to the device specific Thunderbolt Tech Support section.
Perhaps you should step back and look at who is being rude. I pointed out something the PP should have known, that being the HTC Thunderbolt is not a HTC Incredible AND following his suggestion could result in damaging the device.