Despite the solid success (including eking out a tiny profit) with the HTC One M8 and the M7 before it, it looks like HTC is still on the ropes. Interest in the HTC One M8 has tapered off (as you would expect when we are about to see a host of new devices unleashed upon the world). On top of this, even though HTC made a profit for the first time in a great while, that was only because of severe cost cutting measures.
Their latest financials (according to analyst Charles Arthur) indicate HTC's revenues are actually lower than last year (2013), as the company is poised to have its lowest total revenues since 2009. Ouch!
The latest rumors suggest that HTC will be making the next Nexus tablet product for Google, but it will take more than that to revive the once mighty company. What do you think it will take to bring them back from the brink?
Source: Twitter