Huge giveaway over at AndroidPolice!


Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Hey guys! The folks over at AndroidPolice are doing a huge giveaway contest that I thought you all might be interested in. I thought about keeping it under wraps to increase my chances of winning, but that's not very nice is it? ;) So, here you go! Good luck! Oh, and of course I expect to split the spoils should any of you win. :p hehehe... Juuust kidding.
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You need a social app to enter.
You're telling me you don't have ONE of the following?! Twitter, Facebook, Google+ o_O
That would be correct. I call my friends when I want to "Chat" with them. I know a lot of people who don't have them.
That would be correct. I call my friends when I want to "Chat" with them. I know a lot of people who don't have them.

You could always activate Google+ just for the purpose of such events. If you don't add anyone to your circles, no one will see your shared content. Just sayin'.
Wow, hell of a giveaway there.. definitely just entered my three chances.
Wow, hell of a giveaway there.. definitely just entered my three chances.

Yah, swell giveaway for sure. Hey, are you real pleased with your Xoom? I've been sort of lusting after them for a while now, but with the Xoom2 coming out soon, I was hoping for a price drop. Just looking for some feedback from an owner. :D
Yah, swell giveaway for sure. Hey, are you real pleased with your Xoom? I've been sort of lusting after them for a while now, but with the Xoom2 coming out soon, I was hoping for a price drop. Just looking for some feedback from an owner. :D

I absolutely love it... The price has come down recently, not sure if it's far enough for many tho. I've been able to almost completely replace my laptop with it just by buying a few apps for a really good price. And the app eco-system is really seeing an increase in number and quality of apps, especially with Adobe bringing some CS5-type apps to tabs in November (I'm a graphic designer, that's why I'm excited for it lol). Gorilla Glass does pose a glare issue, but I put "Handheld Items" Anti-Glare screen protector on and it cut the glare down to almost nothing. Disappointed in Google for not releasing source, because the root community has so much more potential (we have one ROM and like 10 themes, a few kernels and two recoveries... sadly I can count the number of options). But since SD card was enabled, and 4G coming to it now (I'm on WiFi tho), they're definitely starting to get their act together. It's a Google Experience Device, so no Blur or anything to deal with, and I believe ICS is coming to it (don't hold me to that tho), which is going to be awesome too. it's great for productivity, browsing/emailing, and playing games too.. And of course doing everything you can with root access (I'm a themer on it, so always tinkering).

If you plan to use and can justify the price it's definitely worth it. In the beginning I honestly did not justify it, I just wanted it really badly. After usign it then returning the 3G for a WiFi at a lower price, and using it even more, I was able to justify it and make it worth the price I paid. At one point I was thinking of downgrading my phone to a feature phone because of the Xoom, but I realized I needed the data that I tethered to my phone for ;)

Not everyone has one you know. I had to get a FB just to get coupons, but don't use it for anything else. Twitter is for folks who have no friends. I don't need to know that you went to the bathroom and the TP ran out, or that you think Mimmie MooMoos has the best Fried Burgers.
Not everyone has one you know. I had to get a FB just to get coupons, but don't use it for anything else. Twitter is for folks who have no friends. I don't need to know that you went to the bathroom and the TP ran out, or that you think Mimmie MooMoos has the best Fried Burgers.

I used to be the same way about Twitter... but it's social media tho, and that's how this internet is moving, connecting everyone with everything... whether you want to be connected or not. Authorize twitter as your account this, or log in with facebook to view that... it is a great way to stay in touch / learn about new products / voice your opinion too though. Sometimes you can get a response on Twitter from a big company faster than you can get thru their call menu. Or try to talk to "Obama" even tho it's not actually him operating the account (they've never responded to me, but for different reasons). But it's personal choice, not slamming you for not having an account, just voicing my view about the whole social app world.
Not everyone has one you know. I had to get a FB just to get coupons, but don't use it for anything else. Twitter is for folks who have no friends. I don't need to know that you went to the bathroom and the TP ran out, or that you think Mimmie MooMoos has the best Fried Burgers.

Twitter is for people with no friends? lol Get real. And if you know people who would tweet that they ran out of toilet paper, you've got some strange acquaintances. Sounds to me like you're just resistant to adopt new trends. There's nothing wrong with that - do what you like. But there's no reason to insult those who do take part in social media. It has a lot of benefits, just like bazar6 said.