I am done with the Droid experiment

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Jun 16, 2010
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From my Droid 1 to Droid 2 Global and finally have given up. Too many issues associated with the Droid. I need a phone that I do not have to constantly tweak in order to get maximum performance. From piss poor battery performance (cant travel without a charger close by), to constant battery pulls, multiple returns to Verizon store for issues, lackluster overall performance even after rooting, this phone takes way to much babysitting for me.
There are those people out there are fine with the constant tweaking, and thats cool, just not me. I need a phone that is designed to work for me, not against me.
I was never on the iphone4 bandwagon, but after a few weeks of superior performance with this device I am sold. Granted there are some things that the iphone cannot do as compared to the droid (flash player) but the superior quality of apps, smooth perfomance and response and solid battery performance has been a pleasure. Good luck all.
mmkay. I ate cereal for breakfast.
Good luck to you, too. I feel much the same way about a phone. I've got my Incredible set up in a way that I like, and won't be making any major changes for awoke. Battery life is way better than when it was stock, but still needs a charge during the day under moderate to heavy use. Just the price to pay for so much power in so small a package. I hope the iPhone fulfills your needs.

DInc with CyanogenMod 6.1 and Invisiblek #28 kernel.
Good luck to you. I too would hate to constantly tweak a phone to have it work properly, which is why I love having my Android phone that works like a charm to an optimal level without constant tweaking, no battery pulls, no constant reboots, solid battery life, superior apps to iOS, no "right" way to hold it, the full web experience, no need for a case, a proper notification system, smooth response, simple integration and seamless setup without itunes....

I could go on, but I won't. Good luck with your sheep experience.
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You don't have to tweak the iPhone because you can't. IPhone to droid is like hp desktop to alienware. IPhone is definitely a nice phone, but is way to vanilla for me. Market has more free apps and I've read market is on pace to have more apps by late fall.

Sent 2 u via Incredible 2
So youve only tried the D1 and D2... which are essentially the same phone just different skins and sim support added. Try a completely different droid, i think youll be happier. But hey if iOS suits ya then go ahead try it out and come back here when ya realize you want a droid again.

Posting from the X2
No need to be rude. I love my androids b/c i love tweaking them, the unlimited options, setting it up just the way I like it, always a new phone when I want it to be and I hate iTunes. But that is me. I gave my original droid to my son. He hates it for the reasons stated in the first post. He is not into tweaking or playing with a phone, just wants a phone that does what he wants it to without any extra work on his part. It frustrates the h@$* out of him. It is all a matter of personal preference.

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No need to be rude. I love my androids b/c i love tweaking them, the unlimited options, setting it up just the way I like it, always a new phone when I want it to be and I hate iTunes. But that is me. I gave my original droid to my son. He hates it for the reasons stated in the first post. He is not into tweaking or playing with a phone, just wants a phone that does what he wants it to without any extra work on his part. It frustrates the h@$* out of him. It is all a matter of personal preference.

Sent from my ADR6300 using DroidForums

Exactly my thinking IPhones are made for 5 year olds. Lol

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Well my son happens to be 26 and I have a whole business of 20 adult employees who love their iPhones and there are millions of adults out there that own iPhones, very few 5 year olds that do, so apparently a preference for many. Like I said, no need to be rude or insulting just because someone's preference is not the same as yours.

Sent from my ADR6300 using DroidForums
Well my son happens to be 26 and I have a whole business of 20 adult employees who love their iPhones and there are millions of adults out there that own iPhones, very few 5 year olds that do, so apparently a preference for many. Like I said, no need to be rude or insulting just because someone's preference is not the same as yours.

Sent from my ADR6300 using DroidForums
LOl i know just joking!
You have to jailbreak an iPhone, AND install an app... to simply be able to delete a single calls from your call log.

I'll stick with my dinosaur D1 running SS 5.4..... that blows ANY iPhone out of the water.... at anything (except GUI).

To each his own. I wish you the best of luck. The iPhone definitely has the best GUI though. Very fluid. Very nice display too. It's beautiful. What matters the most is that you are happy with whatever device you have. Good luck! I hope you come back to Android though!

*customized tapatalk signature*
My friend just returned his droid(forget which one) and went BACK to the iPhone4. Said droid is "too confusing and not simple". Didnt root, kept on stock for a week before returning and buying a jailbroken iP4 off craigslist to run it on tmobile. He also said he was sure that all his issues would be fixed if he rooted(batt life,bloatware,etc) but didnt want to take the time.
I say let them keep their iCraps if they want "simplicity" out of their smartphone. Im perfectly fine constantly tweaking my phone and tearing apart zips to make themes and whatnot.

sent from a constantly evolving Angel
Personally, when I had an iPhone 4, the battery lasted around 6 hours tops. Horrible. The only, only thing I miss, are the iOS photography apps. That's it.
Hell, on Android, you can even adjust your keyboard layout precisely to match the size of your fingers. Bam.

Sent from my DROID2 GLOBAL using DroidForums
Personally, when I had an iPhone 4, the battery lasted around 6 hours tops. Horrible. The only, only thing I miss, are the iOS photography apps. That's it.
Hell, on Android, you can even adjust your keyboard layout precisely to match the size of your fingers. Bam.

Sent from my DROID2 GLOBAL using DroidForums

And how do you edit your keyboad as mentioned?

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