i am new to this forum ..


New Member
Jul 2, 2010
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Tell you a little about me . I am deaf and have a blackberry 8330 curve which is service with Sprint for two years. My husband is deaf too and has blackberry storm 2 with verizon. We are looking for right cell phone. We have seen Evo and iphone and incerible driod by verizon, none of them that i want. the reason I like black berry , they have blink red light that tell us there is calling from text, email , voice, whatever. iphone and evo and verizon driod dont have that . One of my friend said, he has to keep check on iphone to make sure he got any text or emails because iphone has soft virbate and no blink light that is not good design for deaf or people work in nosiy area. i hope design will be fit for us. i really like EVO but no blinks, buzz on keyboards, vibrate rining one time that should be more than one time .

i thought verzion should make deal like sprint two line unmlited data plans and 1400 minutes , calls after 7 pm night and weekend. cost about 129.99, with discount 25 percent off cost 97.40 but verizon is expesnive. my husband and my daughter .. cost 130 dollar just for text and talk , one data plans. my husband has discount from his work. if we switch to sprint it will be 97 dollar plus ins, plus taxes .. thats all .. we can afford to pay. we dont want to throw money away ..

if verizon designs driod, i would buy two for myself and my husband but $$$$ service....
thanks.... enjoy fourth of july.. be smiling .. :)
Welcome from Colorado. Do you have a support group? Highly recommended before delving further. If you don't, it is all good. We will fill in and help you out.

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