I have to get rid of my droid :(


Feb 8, 2010
Reaction score
My family is switching to Sprint and we are all getting the Samsung Intercept. I'm really disappointed because I love my Droid and I know that I am basically downgrading to a phone that could not match up to the Droid. I'm selling my Droid to a friend for 100 bucks and was wondering what you all think about Sprint and the Intercept. Thanks
take some advice from egypt

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gee thanks guys, lol. I think Egypt has bigger problems right now
honestly the intercept is going to be a step back.... its a very entry level device with android 2.1 and a 3" screen.

good thing it has been rooted and you can overclock it to a gig so its not all bad.....

personally id see if you could get an evo
moneys tight right now guys and the evo isn't really an option.
appreciate it man, i've been lookin at the htc evo shift. i REALLY like it. I'll try and save up as much as I can and ask for it for my birthday. I got a hundred for selling my droid :)
and don't forget to hop on over to android.net for help with whatever new phone you get. good luck on your journey!