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The location, I am thinking is speedtest's server not actually where the phone is connecting.
I test 3g then immediately switch to wifi and had same location as Dallas. I am a good 70-90 miles from there...
posted tomorrow using the space time continuum app on my D1...
My test server is about 5 miles from my house. I live in a soft spot between several towers and never get above 3 down/2 up. If I walk 1/4 mile in any direction, the speed jumps to anywhere between 12 and 18 mbps each way. Crappy luck.
Everyone knows you can change servers in the tools tab right? The app finds the server with the lowest ping, not necessarily the fastest one. I live in southeast VA and the server i average highest on is Sumter SC. best to date is 32mbps
I never really understood the whole "bragging" about connection speed thing.
It's the network providing this to you, it's not like you actually have to work to attain these speeds. I don't understand "bragging" over something you have no control over.
Don't think so. I have seen speeds like this in Baltimore when I was there last weekends. I had downs in the 50's and ups in the high teens and low 20's.
I get my best speeds using a more distant server (500km/310mi). Plus I got a brand new tower that just came on line this week 1300 feet from my house :biggrin:. Now I have perfect 4g signal at work, at home, and at my favorite bar