I love my GNex. But...


New Member
Dec 30, 2011
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My only issue with this phone is that the battery life is awful for me. Ive tried every app and cant get through my day on moderate use. Android OS eats it up!!

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You try extended battery yet? With extended battery and a short charge session here and there during the day, you will easily make it through day with heavy use.

I tried some battery savings apps but the number one battery hog is the screen and there's nothing can be done about that beyond turning brightness way down. That doesn't help too much for the disappointment of having dim screen all the time.

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Turn your 4g off when you don't need it.

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Turn your 4g off when you don't need it.

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This is the biggest culprit to your battery drain. Use wifi whenever you can and if you're in a weak 4g area, just switch it to 3g, you'll see a significant improvement in battery life.

Agreed. I have an extended battery and use WiFi at home and at my job and turn off 4G unless I need the speed. I was able to last well into the evening. LTE and the screen are power suckers big time.

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I used to use battery saving apps, I don't anymore. But I just turn off 4g when I get around 30% battery. I usually have about a good 12 to 13 hours of texting and some words with friends. I also undervolted my kernel by 350mHz. It has increased my battery almost by 3 to 4 hours. I suggest doing that. Also when keep everything you are not using off, meaning if you aren't using GPS, turn it off. Or like account sync. Stuff like that.

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My only issue with this phone is that the battery life is awful for me. Ive tried every app and cant get through my day on moderate use. Android OS eats it up!!

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums

I was having some problems with battery life as well for a while but the easiest way i discovered to save it was to simply go into settings->data usage and turn off mobile data when your at work or simply not busy. With your mobile data off you still get all your texts and phone calls obviously so essentially when your not using data just turn it off and it helps battery life monstrously. I can go threw an 8 hour shift at work while texting every now and then and still have 90% when i get out, before i was going down to like 50% just having it in my pocket at work. If your a heavy constant user though and you dont give your phone a break i recommend you try the extended battery, it should give you a little extra juice, nothing too crazy though. Also obviously keep the brightness down unless you really are dying to look at something with the screen all the way up its not really necessary the screen is beautiful even at 10% lol.
My only issue with this phone is that the battery life is awful for me. Ive tried every app and cant get through my day on moderate use. Android OS eats it up!!

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Can you post screenshots of your battery use and screen time for moderate usage?

I am able to eke out around 4 hours of screen time and around 12-15 hours total if I mainly use the phone for browsing the web, etc. However, that is with a custom kernel, undervolting the processor and also always being on Wifi (have Wifi at home and work). Here is what I've managed to get so far:

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I am easily getting 12-14 hours of normal use and still have 20%. (Texting, words with friends, some surfing, etc..). I am not a heavy user by any means and i have the extended battery. The only thing i have done is install Juice Defender - free version and left it at default settings.
I usually average 16 to 22 hours until I have to charge it again, depends on how much you use it of course. Currently I have 32% left and am going on 17 hours. What I do/did was turn it to 3g whenever I am sleeping or know I am not going to use the phone for awhile. Turn the brightness way down on the screen, turned NFC off, turned off some of the options for location/GPS. In the settings I turned on for it to kill apps whenever I leave the apps.

I am probably a light user though too. I don't call a lot, maybe a few phone calls here and there. I tend to text a lot through the day. Mainly just check Facebook randomly through the day and a few things on the net. I check a few sports sites and these forums randomly through the day also. I play video games here and there too. Hope that helps.

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1) Turn off 4g when you don't need it. This app (https://market.android.com/details?id=com.farproc.data.enabler&hl=en) gives you a nice little widget to turn off data. Hopefully we'll see a 3g/4g toggle soon which would be even better for people who want to stay constantly connected.

2) Buy extended battery for $25.

3) Root and get setcpu app to limit your phone to running at 350mz when screen is off.

4) Use wifi whenever possible.