I notice there seems to be a lack of 3D action games on Droid compared to Iphone4


Jan 7, 2011
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I notice there seems to be a lack of 3D action games compared to the Iphone4. why is this? is it harder to code for Google?
I doubt there's one single reason. The Android Market is smaller, for one thing.
with the introduction of the Tegra Zone (Q2) that should change.
Have you looked at Gameloft

Some of the more advanced games are not in the Android market, Gameloft has a few really good 3D games that aren't listed in the market.

Gameloft has a pretty bad rep for some of their customer service policies, so be careful.

Yeah just give it time....Appstore has a big head start....the first year it was open, there wasnt alot of GREAT apps out either.
Take a look at "Pocket Legends" free in the market, as well as "Toon Warz"

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