I think it's bullsh&t that Android has no normal "close program" function

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Jan 30, 2010
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If i have a music player paused and go back to my home screen, you are telling me that Android will automatically close the music player and free up memory? Clearly that's not true: i've had my music player paused and came back to it after 5 days and it's still there, paused at the same place on the same music. You are telling me all of this time, this music player is not consuming battery????

Also even it DOES close it automatically, how does Android distinguish between me wanting to go back to the same song 10 hours later, or wanting it to close?

Same with browers. If i have 5 browser windows open, will it close those 5 automatically after a while? I've never seen it close by itself. I always had to close it manually, if I don't, you are telling it won't waste my battery?

Someone please give a clear explanations or just tell me this is a flaw in Android program/memory management. Be honest please.
If i have a music player paused and go back to my home screen, you are telling me that Android will automatically close the music player and free up memory? Clearly that's not true: i've had my music player paused and came back to it after 5 days and it's still there, paused at the same place on the same music. You are telling me all of this time, this music player is not consuming battery????

Also even it DOES close it automatically, how does Android distinguish between me wanting to go back to the same song 10 hours later, or wanting it to close?

Same with browers. If i have 5 browser windows open, will it close those 5 automatically after a while? I've never seen it close by itself. I always had to close it manually, if I don't, you are telling it won't waste my battery?

Someone please give a clear explanations or just tell me this is a flaw in Android program/memory management. Be honest please.

Sticky from the top of this forum:

I frequent a lot of motorcyle sites. These discussions remind me of folks who are absolutely certain that they can outthink ABS brakes.
OK so explain the music and browser examples above.
Have you ever used MS Virtual PC or Sun Virtualbox? If not then just to explain. They can boot up a full copy of any OS and start to run lots of the programs as with any computer. But then you can close it down and it will save everything exactly as it was when you closed it in moments. Then in seconds weeks later can re-open everything again exactly as it was. Same principle.
OK so explain the music and browser examples above.

Explain movies that I have watched and paused, only to reboot the phone and its still paused in the same spot.

Does that mean it was running in the background during the reboot only?


From this thread and your other on this first page, you are coming off as troll-ish.

If single-task OSes are more suited for you, the iPhone is >>>>>thataway.
i dont understand the complaint. maybe some of us like to listen to our music every 10 hours and pick up right where we left off ;)
Then there will be no safe haven for the OP.

Technology can be very scary. Its why I don't allow anyone to take my picture (it steals your soul...)
I think the title for this thread is not in true DF fashion. This thread is :closed_2:

@ the OP please don't due that again,,,PM me if you need to
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