ICS Data drop fix...


Jun 1, 2011
Reaction score
Does the new update actually fix the frequent data drops some of us have been experiencing? It's really becoming an annoyance now. I'm so close to just throwing in the towel and getting another replacement...
"Another" replacement? Does this mean you've already replaced once (or more) due to this? If so, it's likely not the phone. Some areas just suck with data...good one moment and gone the next. Really makes a good phone look bad. I know this isn't the ideal solution but toggling airplane mode works for me when data stops.
I technically have gotten another replacement. Yet I sent that one back because the very next day because things went back to normal. The area I live never drops data. I'm positive it's the phone. What's really strange is the fact I lose data almost guaranteed if I open YouTube... Airplane mode will bring data back if it gets stubborn and doesn't want to come back on it's own.
Having only had my Rezound for 2+ months hard to say what it could be. If it's actually a hardware problem than ICS won't fix that...though maybe it will allow your apps to play nice together including YouTube.
Well the new update specifically states better data connectivity. That's why I'm questioning those who installed the leak; if they have noticed a better data connection...