ICS MIUI for Droid?

I will not be porting the Galnet mod, but it should be possible. MIUI tweeted something about trying to bring some ICS features into 2.3.7 in the coming weeks, but I don't know what those may be.

MIUI has also said they will move to ICS as well as keep a 2.3.7 base. My assumption is that they will transition devices that can support ICS and keep 2.3.7 base for those devices that cannot handle ICS. I won't say you will never see ICS on the D1 (because the community is full of some crazy talented people), but I doubt you will see a full version of ICS that is usable on the D1.
I will not be porting the Galnet mod, but it should be possible. MIUI tweeted something about trying to bring some ICS features into 2.3.7 in the coming weeks, but I don't know what those may be.

MIUI has also said they will move to ICS as well as keep a 2.3.7 base. My assumption is that they will transition devices that can support ICS and keep 2.3.7 base for those devices that cannot handle ICS. I won't say you will never see ICS on the D1 (because the community is full of some crazy talented people), but I doubt you will see a full version of ICS that is usable on the D1.
I'm going to at least try and see if I can port the galnetmiui from the milestone to the Droid!
why dont you contact galnet miui and see if they will support a droid 1 verison before porting yourself? They are pretty similar devices that porting shouldn't be like a completely new device they need to relase for.
Doing some more reading on this, there is really very little ICS in these ports. There is virtually no change to the underlining system and no changes to how it looks. There are no new features from ICS, no changes to how the system operates, and it looks exactly like GB does. I would describe this "ICS" Frankenstein as little more than a hack to try to get noticed. Now that ICS source has been released, real ICS coding can begin and MIUI will get there. MIUI has also said they will keep a legacy version 2.3.7 around too. I don't know if our mighty D1s will get to join in the ICS celebration, but I would not assume it will. As with most things, time will tell.
Would be nice if Alfonso had a ICS build up this weekend for the OG Droid 1 .
Sounds like he had a Com problem by his tweets .
Hmm after some research and failure, it looks like the GalnetMIUI builds are built on 4.0.1 but don't actually have any of the ICS features, meaning for me porting this rom would be a waste of time. But Pete is working on ICS builds and the CM team is hard at work as well. Which means for us we'll be seeing nightlies from CM in a couple of weeks if not sooner.
ICS keyboard available at Market along with the Google Search Box is rounding it out!
Hmm after some research and failure, it looks like the GalnetMIUI builds are built on 4.0.1 but don't actually have any of the ICS features, meaning for me porting this rom would be a waste of time. But Pete is working on ICS builds and the CM team is hard at work as well. Which means for us we'll be seeing nightlies from CM in a couple of weeks if not sooner.

They said don't expect anything before january.
