If I root, can I unroot and get the update


Jul 14, 2010
Reaction score
Just checking.. I need to get wifi tether, and pdanet is too inconsistent.
Yes, if you Root, you can unroot at any time to accept any OTA, although there are better ways to get the newest Android Version besides unrooting, and we will be happy to help you along :)
Actually, I don't think root alone would stop you from getting the OTA update (if we ever get it). I think as long as you are not updating to the leaked 2.2 you should be fine. However, its almost for certain you will loose root once you install the OTA 2.2.

If someone else knows otherwise, please step in.
You can disregard my previous post, I didn't realize we are talking about the DX here ;)

Although I still advise against any easy root method
Thanks guys! Why don't you like easy root? Its too late now
I used the 1-click Root for Windows. I run it as admin on Windows 7, with phone connected and in Charge Only Mode, and Debug Mode. Some times it takes a few tries, or to switch wifi on and off instead of bluetooth, but eventually works. Other than that I've done the ADB way too, but is a lot more too it.

Keep in mind tho. if you remove any "bloatware" (software that was preinstalled by verizon) then you will most likely have problems getting the OTA update when it finally comes out.

If you do mess around with things, and feel uncertian, then you can always "flash" the phone back to the original 2.1 and then get the OTA 2.2

Here is a good link to instructions to all

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