If you could only have/recommend 5 APPS ?

Wow, searched the whole thread and nobody has mentioned "Contact Owner"?

1) Contact Owner - Allows you to type in your non-mobile contact information and displays it on the lock screen in case someone finds your phone and would like to return it.

2) Mobile Defense - In case someone finds your phone and doesn't want to return it :) I'm helping Alpha test it right now and so far so good.

3) Google Talk - Set up voicemail to bypass Verizon and just use Google voice. Free visual voicemail among many other benefits.

4) Astro File Manager - I can't believe this or something like it wasn't part of the phone straight out of the box.

5) Swype - New text input for the Droid. Took a little getting used to but once you do it is great.
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just downloaded handcent but now i get 2 text messages. 1 in handcent and one in the stock messaging. How can i stop getting them in the stock messenger?
Open stock messenger-->menu-->settings, scroll down to notifications and uncheck
I think it's time to post again, since it's been a while and I've changed about everything:

Barcode Scanner
Cherry RPlayer
DroidLive Lite
ProZoom Camera
(I know it's more the 5 but I couldn't help myself)

Thanks for the recommendation for the DroidLive Lite, I love Shoutcast.
Shapewriter (great for typing, similar to swype but on the market)
Google Voice (if you have a Google Voice account)
Flight Track (to track the flight of a person who is traveling)
Movies (great Movie app)
Places directory (great app for reviews and info)
Wow, searched the whole thread and nobody has mentioned "Contact Owner"?

2) Mobile Defense - In case someone finds your phone and doesn't want to return it :) I'm helping Alpha test it right now and so far so good.

What exactly does it do?
My top 5 ...

- EStrongs File Explorer (best file manager there is with app backup and task manager)
- Beautiful Widgets (for weather and shortcuts to alarm clock and calendar)
- TuneWiki (wonderful audio player with Shoutcast integration)
- Maverick (great offroad navigation with cached Maps from Google, USGS etc - great for hiking and such)
- NewsRob (great RSS reader with offline capabilities)
What exactly does it do?

Mobile Defense is a security app you can install that lets you login to a website and control certain aspects of your phone. For instance if you think your phone is stolen you can bring up the website and see exactly where it is on a map. You can also lock it down. Eventually you will be able to remotely back up all your data and then wipe it clean.

Check this thread for a discussion on the 2 or 3 major apps that do this.
Battery Widget v1.5.2 Application for Android | Productivity - I love this widget. It not only does a decent job showing me how much battery I have left, but it also allows me to enable or kill GPS, wifi, or bluetooth and also get into the sound and display settings.

Apps Organizer v1.4.4 Application for Android | Tools - In my quest to clean up my screens, I found this. It allows me to categorize them all and then I can put "folders" on my screens housing these apps.

Verizon FiOS Mobile v2.0.3 Application for Android | Entertainment - Just recently came out, but I had this for my previous phone. Man did it ever save me from some heartache a few times. I sometimes have to work overtime unexpectedly, and if I don't want to miss a certain program or event...a few key presses and I can do it.

mylock - I got tired of swiping or pattern unlocking my phone. I probably unlock my phone a solid 100 - 200 times a day, sometimes more. Now with just a push of the button the phone comes to life, I prefer it that way for right now. I may go back to a swipe or something in the future.

Bonsai Blast and Robo Defense - Yes I know they are two but I am counting them as one, they are my time killers. I would be embarrassed to say how much time I have logged into each of these games. There are some other games that are good too, that I have shown some love to. But I still have a good time with both of these still to this day.

I left off a few that would have made my list, but already had been mentioned a few times.
someone told me there is an app. that you can make pdf files from your phone i know it is a paid app he said he heard about 2 people at work talking about it this ap would be helpful does anyone know anything about it?