If you use K9 for email, questions please...


Jul 30, 2010
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I have searched but I am unable to find the answers I'm looking for. I'm coming from a BB...

1. If I set up an e-mail account in K9, can I get the e-mail pushed as soon as it comes in or do I have to poll it every so often and it would get pushed only when I poll it?

2. Do DX contacts integrate in to K9? That is if I start a new email in K9, will K9 pull in my contacts by just typing a person's name?

1) It depends on the mail server, not the client. If you have an IMAP server then that's push. If you have a pop3 server, that needs polling. You can set polling to 1 minute and it is like push. Where is your account located?

2) Yes, K9 pulls contact emails for you to choose
If you are using Gmail then it is pushed as soon as it arrives.
1) It depends on the mail server, not the client. If you have an IMAP server then that's push. If you have a pop3 server, that needs polling. You can set polling to 1 minute and it is like push. Where is your account located?

Actually I'm not positive but my work e-mail is a MS Exchange Server. On my BB Storm, I basically had my work e-mail forwarded to my BB e-mail address so that as soon as I had a new work e-mail, it went directly to my BB e-mail address. There was no polling required. Our IT folks will not forward to a Gmail account for security reasons (no telling where Gmail email is stored, etc.) so they are going to create a POP account for me with the Droid. Bottom line is I want to get work e-mail pushed when it comes in, not when I go out and poll for it...

I would also think polling every minute or so would eat up battery time?

Thanks again.
Yes, polling every minute would eat your battery. An alternative would be to forward your emails to your Gmail account if you need instant notification. then you can respond from the email account directly in K9.
The additional battery usage to have K-9 poll every minute or so is minimal in my opinion. I use my droid heavily for both email and text. On average I get about 16-17 hours of use before I plug it back up for the night and I still have on average 40% battery left.

But if you are wanting your emails almost immediately like the blackberry does then you have to set polling at a rapid rate.
Yes, IMAP push is pretty much like POP3 polling set at 1 minute. Battery usage difference between the two probably isn't huge.