Iheart radio and battery use


Dec 15, 2009
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Why does Iheart radio use up my battery at about double the rate that a streaming podcast does? Aren't they both doing essentially the same thing? ie, streaming audio?

I can listen to streaming podcasts over 3g for upwards of 8 hours on a fully charged pack but Iheart radio drains it dry after just 3 to 4 hours.
Do other radio apps drain the battery that fast too?

I have a Moto droid 1 btw.
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You mean you can actually use it without buffering issues?

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk

Yeah, It craps out on me every now and then but nothing bad enough to make me stop using it. The battery life is what gets me though. It sucks the battery down so fast it's kind of shocking. I look and have 90% left and look at it again a half hour later and it's down to 60%:icon_eek: