I'm giving up my 'Crack' today...


New Member
Apr 30, 2010
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I'm new here... first post... however, i have spent the last few weeks scouring this website during my BIG decision making process of jumping off the CrackBerry ship... my phone was delivered this morning and i am at work... i am eagerly awaiting my husband bringing it to me in the next hour or so!!! He is also going to take me to lunch... will i be able to 'play' before I have a chance to charge it?
I'm new here... first post... however, i have spent the last few weeks scouring this website during my BIG decision making process of jumping off the CrackBerry ship... my phone was delivered this morning and i am at work... i am eagerly awaiting my husband bringing it to me in the next hour or so!!! He is also going to take me to lunch... will i be able to 'play' before I have a chance to charge it?

I ditched my curve for the droid a month ago and am SOOOOO happy that I did. Yes, you should have some time to play before the battery dies out on you. Just make sure he brings you the charger as well so you can just skip all the rest of the work you had for the day.
i got the moto droid because i wanted the keyboard. I rooted and overclocked it so the specs are very similar to the incredible (and i didnt want to wait any longer to get rid of that blackberry and AT&T). I played around with the incredible yesterday at work (i work at a best buy) and liked it, but am completely content with my decision.
I'm new here... first post... however, i have spent the last few weeks scouring this website during my BIG decision making process of jumping off the CrackBerry ship... my phone was delivered this morning and i am at work... i am eagerly awaiting my husband bringing it to me in the next hour or so!!! He is also going to take me to lunch... will i be able to 'play' before I have a chance to charge it?

Welcome to the forum, zanadu! Let us know how you like that new Incredible! http://www.droidforums.net/forum/droid-incredible-forum/
