Incredible 2 VZW Mail app - broken!


Apr 26, 2011
Reaction score
Freehold, NJ
Thurs picked up a new Inc 2 from vzw. Setup, loaded a few apps. Didn't get a chance to install all my email accts till *late* that nite. Mail came in perfectly - fine, off to bed. Fri, turned on phone and whaaat!? Phone *extremely* slow, jerky during scrolling, *and* my 3G signal went down to next to nothing, etc. Finally opened vzw's mail app to get mail - rec'ed mail white screen for ~25 secs - before mail actually showed up. Not new mail, but mail from last eve. Then rec'ed a Forced Stop - app not responding msg! Phone still extremely slow, and generally unresponsive. Started mail app again - immed. Force stop msg again! NOTE: I happen to use for an email provider, as my domain is reg'ed with them. On the phone w/vzw support at length (3 hrs), and after several hard resets, at my request, asked them to get HTC support on phone which they did. HTC support tried to explain away the no 3G as vzw had a system wide 3G & 4G outage for the last day or so (huh!?!?), and she'd just rec'ed an email that sec, indicating all is back on-line now. Uh-huh. Anyway, vzw support finally suggested that I take phone back, and either swap out or get a diff. phone. Which I did Fri afternoon. Brought new Inc 2 home (same hdw & sw versions on both, btw) checked phone perf. overall - all really fast/extremely responsive. Now, suspecting the mail app as the culprit for my perf. problems yesterday with 1st Inc 2, I immed. loaded up all my email accts - *immed* mail app force stopped, entire phone *very* unresponsive again. Called HTC support direct (btw, generally the folks at HTC in New Brunswick, CA are *really* a pleasure to work with, and
very knowledge!:clap:). Described problem to HTC, he immed. had me go to the Market and download/install K9 mail app, and set up with my email accts. Mail came streaming in, entire phones perf. was rock solid! HTC had never heard of a particular email provider hosing their mail app, but was documenting/reporting this as a major issue.
So, bottom line: If you're using an email domain other than gmail on at least the Inc 2, load it up first, and try it. If you have problems, simply download/install a 3rd party email app like K9 mail (really great prog, btw), or Droid mail is another. I suspect judging from my conversation with HTC support, a sw update will be along shortly.
Otherwise, the Inc 2 is absolutely perfect for me. Came from a BB Pearl, and 1st foray into the Linux world/Droid, and wow! what a really great piece of technology! Was eyeing droids for some time now, but the 4.3 's were just too big for me (from a Pearl), and the 3.7's not worth the switch - but the Inc 2 @ 4.0 was/is perfect.
Good information! I am currently on my 3rd Incredible 2 because of the same exact thing. My wife is on here 2nd.
Since the D-2 was new, my Vz rep thought maybe they got a bad lot.

Hopefully HTC will come up with an update.

By the way, my email comes through Yahoo.att.
Yep, its *not* the physical phone! Its HTC software. Apparently the HTC "mail" app does not work with all mail providers. HTC has confirmed this. Im using MailDroid now from the market without many problems.

Sent via my Incredible 2 on DroidForums.
Had the same exact problem (phone was running very sluggish) after about 4 days with the phone. Been using K-9 for the past 2 weeks and have been very satisfied with it. I even prefer the K-9 user interface over the stock mail app.

Sent from my Droid Incredible 2 using DroidForums
If you have a gmail account is the gmail app the better way to setup email? Glad I read this, I have two Dinc2s coming on Thurdays and don't need this hassle setting them up. The wife has a hotmail account and a gmail account she'll want to setup, the hotmail is her primary email. I only use gmail. Wondering what is the the best way to setup both Dinc2s for email.
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If you have a gmail account is the gmail app the better way to setup email? Glad I read this, I have two Dinc2s coming on Thurdays and don't need this hassle setting them up. The wife has a hotmail account and a gmail account she'll want to setup, the hotmail is her primary email. I only use gmail. Wondering what is the the best way to setup both Dinc2s for email.

Honestly download and set up her hotmail on K9. No hassle and will make sure she is set. Stock gmail works 100 % as is no worries there.
Having the same Force Close problems on a second replacement device. Not only is it 6 months into this thread, Verizon level 2 support told me last night there are no known issues & this is an isolated problem. Thanks for suggestions!
Here's another option for y'all. I use the Gmail app for all my mail including the pop3 accounts. There are several advantages: 1) you save some battery as the phone is not polling your pop3 accounts on a set interval thus consuming battery even if there are no emails, 2) you have all your emails in one app, 3) also relevant to number 1, Google will poll your email accounts and then push emails to the phone as they are received. Using Gmail as your own personal push mail server